News for Seniors

Class of 2025 Graduation Window: May 19 to May 30, 2025

HCPSS today announced the window for the Class of 2025 high school graduations as Monday, May 19, to Friday, May 30, 2025. No graduations will be held on weekends or on Memorial Day, Monday, May 26.

HCPSS makes the early announcement of the graduation window to accommodate planning by parents, students, schools and community members. Specific information regarding the dates and times of each graduation ceremony will be finalized in collaboration with Merriweather Post Pavilion and provided by mid-April.

Ceremonies will be held in person at Merriweather Post Pavilion, except for Cedar Lane School, which will hold its graduation ceremony at the school.

Full HCPSS commencement information can be found online.


Presentation of Diplomas by HCPSS Staff Members

HCPSS staff members who fall into one of the following categories, and who are parents or legal guardians of graduating seniors, may choose to present the diploma to their child(ren) at the student's commencement ceremony. 

  • Current Permanent Staff
  • Elementary Lunch/Recess Monitors who have been a Lunch/Recess Monitor since September 30, 2024
  • Substitutes who have consistently supported HCPSS by substituting 100+* days since the start of the 2023/2024 school year (*8/28/2023-2/26/2025)

Parents/guardians who wish to present diplomas must notify your child's graduation coordinator by April 11.


Kente Cloth Graduation Stoles on Sale Now

The HCPSS Black Student Achievement Program (BSAP) Office is selling Kente cloth graduation stoles to families for graduating students. Kente is a traditional African textile that was first woven by the Ashanti people in Ghana and West Africa. Today, it is worn to pay homage to African ancestors and to show pride in the heritages of the Diaspora during ceremonial occasions.

Sales will run through April 30, 2025. The flyer for the stole sale can be found linked here


Sarapes (stoles) on Sale Now for Hispanic And Latino Graduating Seniors

The HCPSS Hispanic Achievement Program is selling sarapes (stoles) for purchase by Hispanic and Latino graduating seniors. Sales will run through May 2, 2025. Purchases can be made directly  here, or read more information and scan the QR Code here.

The Hispanic “sarape” represents the ancient customs of colorful textiles throughout all the ancient indigenous people of Latin America. These bright colors represented their devout spiritualism and the advanced knowledge they possessed. Additional history of the sarapes and the initiative in HCPSS for graduating seniors can be found here in English and Spanish. 

Direct questions to Gaston Gamez, Hispanic Achievement Supervisor at (410) 313-6667.


Wild West Night for Seniors

It’s time to wrangle in another great senior event! The SENIORS ONLY Wild West Night will be held on Wednesday, February 26, from 6 – 8 PM in the CHS cafeteria. 

Come enjoy delicious food from Mission BBQ: beef brisket and pulled chicken, along with all vegetarian sides – mac-n-cheese, green beans (no bacon), baked beans, garden salad, and corn bread. Drinks will include lemonade, iced tea, and bottled water, and our culinary classes will provide cherry and apple cobbler with ice cream!

We need a minimum of 150 seniors to pre-pay for this event by February 16. Only $30 per ticket, available on OSP. 

If the event is canceled, you will receive a full refund.


Seniors: Important Reminder Message for College Applications!

Seniors for College Applications!!!  October 1 is the deadline to submit ALL material to teachers and counselors in order to ensure that your transcript and letter of recommendations are sent to your college by the November 1 deadline.  Students are reminded that all steps must be completed, including submitting your waiver of rights/ transcript release form to the registrar, asking teachers to write your letter, completing both the teacher and counselor information forms in Naviance, matching common app to Naviance, sending a request to teachers in Naviance, AND adding all college that have a November 1 deadline to either Naviance or common app. Students must also verify that the deadlines selected in Naviance are the correct deadlines for your application (ie if you are applying early action, be sure you have selected the early action deadline and not the regular decision deadline).  For step by step directions, screencasts, and detailed information on the process, visit the College Application Google Site. 



Senior Crab Feast - October 28!!!


It’s time for our first FOOD celebration, so let’s get CRACKIN’.

Monday, October 28 from 6pm-8pm in the cafeteria, we’re hosting our (Seniors only) CRAB FEAST. Enjoy some great food and celebrate with your friends. We’ve checked the date, there’s no CHS evening activities that night.

Don’t eat crabs? Not a problem. We will have a FULL buffet to include: pulled pork and sliced turkey.

Vegetarian? We got you covered: the buffet will include PLENTY of veggie friendly dishes: mac/cheese, potato salad (no bacon), coleslaw, green bean salad, garden salad w/Caesar dressing

There’s something for everyone.

The HITCH: We MUST have a minimum of 160 seniors pre-pay for this event by October 20 or we must cancel the caterer. Only $45 (which is cheap for food now days). Sign up on OSP:

If the event is cancelled, you will receive a full refund.

By the WAY...the Juniors will be serving you. We appreciate them!!

Only $45 and don’t forget to design and wear your own (appropriate) “crabby” t-shirt for the event. It’s time to Shell-ebrate !!


Schedule Your Formal Yearbook Picture

Senior Portraits are available through Prestige Photography by Lifetouch.  A photo session are available at our school on the following date:

August 12
September 3, 4, and 5
October 7, 8, and 9

To schedule your appointment, visit, click the “Locate My School” link, enter the city and state where our school is located.  Once you find the school, click the schools’ name and it will take you to the account to schedule and appointment.

Information about session details and pricing may be found here.

For tips about your upcoming session and outfit inspiration, visit