
ABCs of Clubs...

Want to know the purpose of a club?  Look here for a brief purpose.

Want to know when a club meets?  Check out our List of Clubs.


6th Man

To support athletic teams and foster school spirit at CHS.

Active Minds

Active Minds ( is the nation’s leading nonprofit organization promoting mental health awareness and education for young adults. Through award-winning programs and services, Active Minds is empowering a new generation to speak openly, act courageously, and change the conversation about mental health for everyone.

AI Club

Learn and Develop AI tools and engage in friendly competition against other students.

Alpha Achievers

This program fosters a positive learning environment in to facilitate students' pursuit of excellence by attaining, maintaining and exceeding a 3.0 grade point average, the minimum required for membership.

American Cancer Society

"To save lives, celebrate lives, and lead the fight for a world without cancer."

American Sign Language

Our mission is to create a club where students can get together and learn American Sign Language. Meetings will include quick informational lessons on deaf culture, learning activities, and socialization through a new language.

Amnesty International

Amnesty International will campaign and support various human rights movements and activists throughout the world. We also research human's rights and expand our knowledge about political refugees and prisoners.

Anime Club

To share an appreciation of Japanese culture and anime/related media.

Aquila, Centennial's Literary Magazine

Aquila is a student-edited literary magazine featuring the poetry, short stories, art, and photography created by those at Centennial.

Astronomy Club

To promote Astronomy Education and the wonders of the universe.

Awkward Improv

Awkward Improv is Centennial's premier improvisational comedy club. We strive to make improv accepting and fun for all and to engage audiences with our interactive and hilarious shows.

Badminton Club

Play Badminton (

The Badminton Club is a welcoming place, for anyone with an intimate passion for racquet sports, to those who just want to have some fun with friends! You don’t need to be skilled, you just need to be here!


Provide/foster a sisterhood for young girls in our community through virtual activities (poss: in person). Teach the importance of leadership, self-love, and education. Discuss a monthly topic.

Best Buddies

Gain awareness of disabled students. Pair students with disabilities with a typical peer encouraging relationships and friendships. To promote inclusivity among the population at CHS.

BSU (Black Student Union)

Black students and allies dedicated to providing a safe space for Black students. Strengthen and amplify the voices and experiences of Black people through education, discussion, celebration, service.

C# Accapella

C# is a student-run a cappella group that gives students an opportunity to sing together outside of the school day, and explore pop literature.

CAD Club

To provide students with hands-on CAD experience in a fun and safe environment.


Work to raise funds to support domestic abuse victims.

Chess Club

To play and teach chess to anyone who wants to learn and to have fun.


Chinese club is an inclusive space that promotes Chinese culture and bring cultural awareness through group activities.

Clothing Collective

Help students feel comfortable in what they wear, conversations about fast fashion industry with effects on the environment. Teach practical sewing skills. Inclusive to all.

Colors for Coats

A public health club that aims to spread awarness about important issues in the public health field, through creative means - from health care disparities to public policies. Students collaborate and implement projects that will have a direct impact on communities

Competitive Coding

We develop members' competitive programming/algorithmic problem-solving abilities, provide lessons on algorithmic programming concept, and prepare for competitions, enabling students to improve their problem solving skills and learn about computer science.


Cranes4kids brings a smile to children's faces by making orgami cranes(symbolizing good luck). Monthly we will deliver the cranes to local children's hospitals, possible to earn service hours!

Creactive Youth

We are a student-led organization with an initiative to help younger kids with social and academic learning through various service activities (letters, read-aloud, origami, etc) and partnering with daycares.

Crocheting/Knitting Club

Learn how to knit/crochet in a fun environment to donate projects to hospitals.

Culinary Club

To bring food lovers together to celebrate the art of cooking, increase our knowledge of skills, techniques, and recipes, and cook delicious meals from all countries and cultures.


What We Do - Learn skills to secure and harden a multitude of Operating Systems such as Linux, Windows and Cisco

Award Opportunities - Compete on state and national levels. Join a network of experienced high school coders

No Experience Needed. Join a team of passionate and dedicated coders. We welcome all members regardless of your experience.

Eagle Amabassadors

Eagle Ambassadors are a group of student leaders who will introduce CHS to our feeder schools and community.

Educators Rising

To educate all students to the highest levels of academic achievement, to enable them to reach and expand their potential, and to prepare them to compassionate members of society.

Empire Mock Trial

The Empire Mock Trial team shares a love of the law, public speaking, and advocacy and competes annually to represent the state at various competitions.

Equality Now, Period (ENP)

Equality now, Period strives to promote menstrual equity, accessibility, and provide a more inclusive environment by supplying menstrual products to school bathrooms and bettering our community by donating products to those in need.

Ethics Bowl

Practice oral speaking, debate, and collaboration skills and prepare for the National Ethics Bowl Competition

Fantasy Sports Club

Provide students an opportunity to draft, trade and strategize over fantasy sports.

FBLA (Future Business Leaders of America)

FBLA-PBL inspires and prepares students to become community-minded business leaders in a global society through relevant career preparation and leadership experiences.

Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA)

To lead every coach and athlete into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ and the Church.

Film Club

Practical application of filmmaking.

French Club

To celebrate and learn about Francophone culture.

Follow us @CHSfrancaisclub (twitter)

FTC Robotics

Competition entry fee/parts for the robot

Future Educators of America (FEA)

Train young minds for possible career in education.

Gaming Club

Gaming club is a social club for students to meet and play various types of games; these include tabletop, board, and card games.

German Club

To promote knowledge and love of the German language and culture

Girl STEMpowerment

Encourage girls to go into STEM fields through monthly workshops and activities.

Girl Up Foundation

A United Nations organization whos mission is to unify girls to change the world encouraging standing up for each other through the promotion of health, safety, and education.

Graphics Club

Focus on website building, logo design, digital art, and design trends over time.

Green School

To bring the community together through creating a more eco-friendly environment for our building and improving the education surrounding the climate change debate.

Habitat for Humanity

Promote affordable housing by fundraising for the Habitat for Humanity Chesapeake Chapter.


Provide meaningful interaction with residents of Senior Centers.


Provide support to the local community through volunteering at local events

Humanities Club

The Honors Humanities Club provides extracurricular opportunities for enriching activities for those involved in the Centennial Humanities program.

Indian Dance

We will teach a fusion dance that comprises Bollywood and classical-style following the beat of the most famous Indian film songs.


Interact is centered around taking action in your community and school and learning about the world to develop leadership skills and friendships while discovering the power of Service Above Self.

Investment Club

Learn about investing in the stock market!

It's Academic

The It's Academic club at Centennial competes at numerous quiz bowl tournaments throughout the year, where participants answer questions covering a broad range of subjects, from history to chemistry to even sports. These competitions test not only your depth of knowledge in certain areas, but also your ability to buzz quickly, similar to Jeopardy. It's Academic itself is a televised academic quiz bowl competition aired on CBS. Every year, our club sends a team of three top players to compete against other teams in the area.

JSU (Jewish Student Union)

Promote fellowship between Jewish and Non Jewish Students at CHS.

Just Dance Club

The Just Dance Club aims to encourage friendships, relaxation, and physical health through following online dance routines.


To explore and experience Korean Pop Music Culture.

KASA (Korean American Student Association)

Korean American and any students to inquire about the different cultures.

Key Club

Largest international student led service organization. Serve through our core values: Leadership, Character Building, Caring and Inclusivity. We work to serve and contribute to our community both in and out of the school setting. Fundraising for UNICEF.

Latinx Student Group

To form a strong community of LatinX students here at CHS.

LEFA (Leaders of Economics and Finance in America)

LEFA focuses on economics, finance, business, & entrepreneurship and provides resources, opportunities, etc. to prepare students for the real world. With weekly meetings, monthly events, bi-monthly competitions, and semi-annual conferences, LEFA prepares students for business on Wall Street or success in any facet of life.


LetterPals is dedicated to supporting senior citizens and hospital patients through letters, artwork, and communication.

Live Poet's Society

We are a Socratic seminar for your poetry; a safe space to share your words. Join us to find your poetic voice, develop it and learn to what audience you want to direct your work..

Machine Learning in Medicine

We're your gateway to the exciting intersection of medicine and technology. Dive into engaging, hands-on projects, explore the profound impact of machine learning in healthcare. Your skill level doesn't matter—all that's required is your interest in the fusion of medicine and machine learning.


Help secure wishes for kids with terminal illnesses.

Be the change in the world, one wish at a time.

Maryland Voices

Maryland Voices is a state journal based at CHS and run by CHS students! We publish an annual journal with the the 50 best creative nonfiction pieces written by high school students.

For guidelines, visit: 

Contact us:

Math Journal

The CHS Math Journal provides students in our community the opportunity to explore intriguing mathematics topics outside of the classroom. Students produce articles about topics in the fields of both pure and applied math and physics. Students are encouraged to explore new and creative aspects in these broad fields. 

Check out past editions on our website:

Math Team

Math team competes with other county high school math teams.

For more information, contact us at

Mindfulness Club

The mindfulness club aims to discuss and educate people about the importance of the present moment, perspective thinking, meditation, affirmation writing. We will learn about outside validation, authenticity, and how our belief systems inform our reality. We will incorporate teachings from A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle.

Mock Trial

Mock trial promotes public speaking, advocacy, and legal studies in students interested in pursuing careers in law, theater, and public policy.

Model United Nations (MUN)

To better public speaking skills and to better educate students in public events.

Music Mentors

Music Mentors provides free music lessons to middle and elementary school students that are a part of Centennial High School's feeder system.

Music Outreach Program

To provide an outlet for Centennial music students to perform in the community.

Muslim Student Association (MSA)

Working to build a welcoming environment for Muslim/non-Muslim students. We Advocate for countries in distress to help raise awareness. Eid Parties which includes henna/food!! Weekly meetings after school..


Instagram: @centennialmsa

Outdoor Club

To discuss and participate in outdoor activities while be stewards of nature.


Support animal rescues through fundraising, donation drives and raising awareness of animal welfare issues

Pre-Med Club

Promote Pre-Medicine education to help students with their understanding of pursuing a career in medicine

Psychology Club

To promote the understanding of psychology in everyday life, and to facilitate interaction among students interested in learning about the field of psychology.

Pyoneers Club

Pyoneers is Centennial's programming club that promotes computer science education through student-organized, county-wide programming lessons and tournaments to expose students to programming and inspire them to explore the field of computer science.

Red Cross

Prevents and alleviates human suffering in the face of emergencies by mobilizing the power of volunteers and the generosity of donors.

SAGA - Sexuality and Gender Alliance

Create a safe place for LGBTQ+ students and their allies.  Meetings are Wednesdays after school in room 507.

Salvation Army Club

Focus on services, both direct and indirect, which provides for our community. Under the authority of our local Headquarters, our Club is dedicated to strengthen the values of compassion, responsibility, and leadership throughout the whole school.

Instagram: @CentennialSalvationArmy


Scholars Leadership Program

We identify qualified girls, especially African American high school girls with an unweighted G.P.A. of 3.0 or higher, to actively participate in program planning/execution, support fellow Scholars, and to become involved in the community by carrying out our vision.

Science Bowl

To compete in the science bowl.

Science for Humanity

Dedicated to opening the path for STEM-based interest in the youth by inspiring and connecting students to future opportunities. To us, research is not just about science in the lab—it is also about the problems we solve, the lives we change, and the people we hope to benefit. By spreading our vision of science for humanity and by making resources more accessible, we hope to inspire the next generation of scientists and leaders.

Science Olympiad Club

We compete in 23 different events like biology, chemistry, physics, and engineering, and explore diverse and unique fields, fostering a curiosity to inspire future scientists by participating both locally and nationally. Some competitions may be virtual. We are the number one team in Maryland and have represented our state at nationals for the past 7 years.

South Asian Culture

To provide a forum for students of South Asian heritage to come together to share ideas, have discussions, and spend informal time with one another.

Speech and Debate Club

Speech & Debate teaches crucial skills like public speaking, communication, & critical thinking applicable in any area or field and promotes the mastery of oration & its facets of persuasion, eloquence, and storytelling through a multitude of competitive and educational events.

Contact us or Instagram @centennial_speechdebate

Taylor Swift Club

To share and explore our love for Taylor Swift and her music!

Technology Journal

The CHS Technology Journal is a great place for all technology enthusiasts. It provides students with opportunities to interact with other students who have a shared interest in innovations and to broaden our knowledge of emerging technologies. The main goal of the journal is to provide an opportunity for students in our community to research, discuss and write articles about technology, and to explore and engage in novel topics outside the classroom.


Ultimate Disc

We play Ultimate Frisbee! We teach each other strategies and techniques and share our enthusiasm for the sport with anyone who joins us. All are welcome!


Helping the world's children: UNICEF engages students (through fundraising, advocating, informing, and hosting events) to empower children in our local community and across the 190 countries in partnership with the initiative.

Veterans Support

Dedicated to fundraising and donating to veterans in need. Club affiliation with WWP to give back to the people who served this country. Anyone may join! Email us:

Web Development Club

Learn how to develop a web application using React.js! Collaborate with peers in a community of programmers. No previous experience needed.

Wounded Warriors Club

Raise awareness/provide support for the Wounded Warriors Project through organized fundraising benefiting veterans/families. Educate peers/community about their sacrifices/challenges.

Writing Club

To share and promote writing among student population

Young Dems

To inform students about current, political events and advocate for issues important to students. All political affiliations are welcome.