High School Course Registration

2025-2026 High School Course Registration Opens Dec. 16

Beginning December 16, at 8:00 AM and through January 14, at 4:00 PM, current 8-11th grade students and their parents/guardians may view teachers’ course recommendations for the 2025-2026 school year and submit course requests. Full details on how to view recommendations and submit requests are available online.

Please note:

  • Guides on how to complete Course Requests are available online.
  • Students and their parents/guardians should use the Catalog of Approved High School Courses to review course selections, taking careful note of descriptions and prerequisites.
  • Students and their parents/guardians can adjust a teacher course recommendation by using the dropdown to select the preferred course level.
  • Students and their parents/guardians will add electives to ensure they have seven credits of primary requests and three alternates. Alternate selections should be added in priority order. 
  • If you want to change a course and there is not an option available in the drop down menu, parents/guardians should download and complete the High School Course Change Request Form and submit a paper copy to their child’s school counselor. Forms received during the course registration period will receive priority during scheduling. Requests received after this time will be accommodated if space is available.

Important Dates:

  • CHS Counselors met with each grade level (grades 9th-11th) on December 11, 2024, explaining the course registration and academic opportunities.  Our presentation is on our Canvas page (CHS Media and Student Services>Student Services>Scheduling tab>General Info tab) Direct link: https://hcpss.instructure.com/courses/34465/pages/chs-scheduling-general-info
  • Counselors are meeting with each student through their English class starting on January 24th through February 11th. 
  • Please make sure each student requests 7 credits and 3 credits of alternate courses in Synergy by January 14th because our individual meetings are short.
  • Spring 2025: Students and parents/guardians will have access to their list of registered courses by the end of the current school year. 
  • August 2025: Final 2025-2026 student schedules will be available prior to the start of the school year.

Graduation Requirements:

Graduation requirements are set and updated by the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) and may differ from the year of entry and the year of graduation. It is critical that families are aware of the graduation requirements that pertain to each graduating class. Please refer to the 2025-2026 Catalog of Approved High School Courses for graduation requirements and information. 

To review what specific courses you will need to graduate, please use the following steps to access your progress on graduation requirements:

  1. Log in to HCPSS Connect Synergy (https://www.hcpss.org/connect/) using parent/guardian or student credentials.
  2. Select Course History from the left panel. 
  3. Set the Detail to On (in the top right corner) in each section to see your progress towards the requirements.