Attendance Policy Updates

Fri, 11/02/2018 - 1:54pm

As we near the close of the first quarter, we’ve been reviewing data regarding student attendance. More specifically, we’ve been looking at the on-time arrival data. This year, we’ve noted an increase in the number of students reporting late without an acceptable excuse. Often, students are late because they are not accessing the school bus provided by the school system, or they’ve elected to stop for breakfast on the way. We believe the safest and most reliable way for students who do not drive themselves to get to school is by accessing the transportation provided.

In examining our published policy for tardiness, we’ve determined there is a need to amend the published school procedures. Below is an updated list of consequences that will replace what was published in the student planner on page 8.

Lateness to School/Early Dismissal

Students arriving after 7:25am should report to the designated area. Students should have a written note from their parents with the date and reason for lateness. Students who need an early dismissal pass should also report to the attendance counter. Any student who reports to school more than 2 hours late will be charged with ½ day absence.


Cumulative consequences for unexcused lateness to school:

1st Lateness: Warning

2nd Lateness: Warning

3rd Lateness: Parent contact

4th Lateness: Lunch Detention

5th Lateness: Two Lunch Detentions

6th Lateness: AM/PM Detention

7 or more: Saturday School/Administrative discretion

In accordance with HCPSS Policy 9010: Attendance, after a student has accumulated absences accounting for 5% of the school year (9 class sessions for a year-long, 50 course or 4.5 days of a semester or 4th period block course), a referral for denial of course credit must be submitted to Administration. For a complete list of excused reasons for tardiness/absences, please refer to HCPSS Policy 9010.