Pyoneers September 2020 Newsletter

Mon, 09/28/2020 - 8:22am

Greetings CHS Eagles! The new Pyoneers club invites you to join our club to learn and teach python programming. Check out our website and read our monthly newsletter at and join our Discord group chat to stay connected through the year. We hope to see you soon! Pyoneers September 2020 Club News: The Pyoneers club established the new Education Committee to lead our club’s teaching initiatives. Congrats to Jesse Zong, Austin Zou, Yuhwan Lee, Suraj Singh, Jeffrey Liu, and Emil Jiang for joining the Education Committee. We are proud to be the fastest growing Computer Science club at CHS with over 50 members and counting. No programming experience is necessary to join the club. Our experienced programmers will gladly teach Python to new members. All students are welcome to join. Thank you to our club sponsors Mr. Sendin and Mr. Hobson, and to Daeyong Kwon and Sean Chun for a terrific job presenting at the CHS virtual club fair.