Student Orientation - 9th, 10th & New Students

Tue, 08/10/2021 - 6:51pm

Hi, Eagles! We look forward to welcoming all 9th, 10th, and transfer students and parents at our Orientation Event on Thursday, August 26th starting at 8am. Parents will spend their time in the auditorium, and students will go to brief orientation presentations, school tours, and a club fair. Orientation for 9th graders will start at 8am in the cafeteria, and 10th graders and transfer students will start with building tours that will meet in front of the gym. These groups will then switch, and everyone will have an opportunity to visit their classrooms before going to the stadium at 10am for our class panoramic photos. You are invited afterwards to purchase a snack from the Booster Indoor Concession stand on your way to learn more about our various clubs at the club fair and mini-interest meetings. We look forward to seeing you then!

Parent Presentation Slide Deck


CHS Interactive Map: