The 2022 CHS PTSA Commitment to Excellence (CTE) Award and Senior Scholarship applications are now open online!!

Tue, 03/01/2022 - 9:56am


CTE Award and Scholarships: deadline is Friday, April 22, 5 PM.

CHS PTSA CTE Award: Attention CHS students, staff, and parents. Do you recognize a dedicated staff member who is making a difference at CHS? Send in your nomination for the outstanding staff who demonstrates a committed and caring attitude toward students and fellow staff members.

CHS PTSA Senior Scholarship and Overcomer Scholarship:  The Centennial High School PTSA is pleased to announce TWO (2) scholarships for Class of 2022 graduating students: Senior Scholarship Program and Overcomer Scholarship. Applications are now being accepted!! Winners will be awarded scholarships at CHS Senior Awards Night in May. For rules and how to apply, visit
