If a student needs to leave school early, send an email to chsabsence@hcpss.org or have the student bring a written note signed by a parent/guardian to the front office before the start of first period:
The student will show their pass to their teacher at the time of dismissal and the student will be allowed to leave class at that time. If a note was sent there is no need for a parent/guardian to come into the school to sign out the student.
If the student is returning to school, the student should check in at the Front Office upon their return to sign in their return time. If the student does not check in at the Front Office, they will remain absent in Synergy for the duration of the school day. A parent/guardian does not have to come into the school when the student returns to school.
If the student does not have a note from a parent/guardian, the parent/guardian must come into the Front Office with photo identification and sign out the student. The student will then be called down from their class at that time.
If the directions above aren’t followed, the attendance will be marked as absent. If a note is sent after the student leaves the building the attendance will remain 'absent unexcused'.