Homewood’s Annual Recycled Treasure Sale!

We need your Help!
This year, we expect to help over 100 needy students “shop” for the holidays.  Every Homewood student will use their grades to “purchase” items for loved-ones and have them gift wrapped.
We need/want:
* Boy’s and Men’s Items (This is most difficult room to fill!)
* Sporting Goods like Basket Balls, Footballs, and Team Spirit Items
* Video Games
* Children’s Toys
* Stuffed Animals
* Games
* Decorative Home Goods
* Holiday Decorations
* Purses
* Jewelry
* Scarves
* Lotions and Perfumes
* Candles
* New Pre-teen and Teen Winter Coats
* Lots of Gift Bags, Wrapping Paper, and Tape!
* LARGE paper Leaf Bags (Home Depot) to use as gift take home sacks.

Please deliver to Centennial, by Friday, December 16th, c/o Kristin Taylor, Thank you for your support!