Save the Dates - SAT/ACT Prep Classes/Bootcamps in 2017

Dr Gagnon ScoreMoreTestPrep SAT/ACT course starting in February 2017 at Centennial High School - Feb 22,  Feb 23, Feb 28, March 2, March 7, March 9   - Don't miss this great opportunity to prep for All 3 college admission tests -SAT, ACT and PSAT in just ONE course in the evenings!  Registration will be available soon at  - stay tuned for when registration will open.


Also, Dr. Gagnon will be offering a Spring SAT/ACT Course at Centennial High School -  May 16, May 18, May 23, May 25, May 30, June 1 2017 - save the date!!


Catalyst SAT Bootcamp course - weekend of March 4th and March 5th 2017 at Centennial High School - Sat and Sun - 8a.m. to 1p.m.  Two day weekend SAT bootcamp!  Register at and click on the Bootcamp Sign-Up on the website's menu bar. 


If you have any questions please contact Jackie Crispell at