Dr. Gagnon Score More Test Prep SAT/ACT course at CHS - Registration is now open for the February 2017 course at Centennial High School.
REGISTER NOW for Dr. Martha Gagnon’s ScoreMoreTest Prep Course - Register at www.MarthaGagnon.com
One comprehensive course to help your student prep for ALL 3 college admission tests: SAT + PSAT + ACT At Centennial HighSchool
Dates: Feb.22, 23, 28, March 2, 7 and 9, 2017. (6:00-8:00 pm)
Dr. Gagnon is a foremost and well-respected SAT-ACT authority who has dedicated more than 25 yearsto helping our students get their best possible scores. She has taken her vast knowledge gained in the 18 years she worked for the College Board andhas converted her knowledge to a course packed with insightful techniques that ACTUALLY work! Her students' test successes have earned them acceptances to the most prestigious institutions in our country and along with these acceptances have come very attractive scholarship offers!
This is NOT just your typical prep course......You don't want your son or daughter to missout on this opportunity!
For more information or to register, visit www.MarthaGagnon.com,
e-mail martgagnon@aol.com, or call (410)442-1600. A portion of the tuition benefits our PTSA!
Also, Dr. Gagnon will be offering a Spring SAT/ACT Course at Centennial High School - May 16, May 18, May 23, May 25, May 30, June 1 2017 - save the date!!
If you have any questions please contact Jackie Crispell at jcrispell@verizon.net