PARCC-CCR & HSA Testing - Jan. 2017

We will be administering the reassessment for the Biology and Government HSA on Monday January 9th as well as the PARCC-CCR on Tuesday January 10th-Thursday January 12th. HSA and PARCC-CCR make-ups will be administered on Friday January 13th. Letters were mailed home to families of students who will be testing in January this past Monday Nov 28th and students themselves received letters today in periods 1 and 2. For January PARCC we are predominately testing 12th grade students who did not achieve College and Career Readiness Status (CCR) and a few students in grades 9-11 who are missing graduation requirements as they did not test for PARCC in a previously completed course. Between HSA and PARCC, roughly 85 multi-unit tests will be administered the week of Jan 9th. We will not have Eagle Time on Wednesday January 11th and the bells will be off and the Media Center and Dell Lab will be closed for the duration of AM testing the week of Jan 9-13. We thank you in advance for your support and collaboration. Any questions, please contact Tracy Scaltz, Assistant Principal and Testing Coordinator at CHS.

Additional Information (per HCPSS website regarding College and Career Readiness).

As required by the College and Career Readiness and College Completion Act of 2013 (SB 740), Maryland school systems must assess students in mathematics and English language arts and literacy by the end of 11th grade. Students who do not assess at college and career readiness level are required to participate in additional supports during their senior year and to reassess in the subjects where readiness was not evident. The class of 2017 will be the first group of students participating in the new requirements.

Required Assessments

The HCPSS will be administering the PARCC English 11* and PARCC Algebra II** as end of course assessments. A performance level of 4 or 5 on these assessments will mark a student as college and career ready and they will not be required to participate in additional supports and reassessment during their senior year.

*For the 2015-2016 and 2016-2017 school year, English 10 results will be used in place of English 11.

**Students who have not taken Algebra II by their junior year will participate in the PARCC Geometry assessment to determine college and career readiness in mathematics.

Other Assessment Options

A student can also use scores on other assessments to demonstrate college and career readiness. The approved options from the Maryland State Department of Education are listed below:

AP English Language Arts & Composition or AP English Literature & Composition
AP Calculus AB, Calculus BC, AP Statistics, or AP Computer Science
International Baccalaureate (not offered in the HCPSS)
Dual Enrollment in a credit bearing college course
Cut scores on each assessment are set by the Maryland State Department of Education and will be posted when finalized.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are these the assessments required for graduation?

No, PARCC English 11 and PARCC Algebra II are only used to determine college and career readiness and are not required for graduation. PARCC English 10, PARCC Algebra I, Biology HSA and Government HSA are used to fulfill graduation requirements.

What are additional supports and reassessment?

Schools will provide students will additional course content or online modules during the student’s senior year. At the end of the senior year, the student will be reassessed using either a PARCC assessment or another assessment option.

How is “college and career ready” defined?

A student who can graduate from high school and successfully participate in a credit bearing course is considered college and career ready. The assessments listed above are predictors of how well a student would perform in a college credit bearing course after high school graduation.

Will the student’s college and career readiness be reported to colleges?

The college readiness determination will not be reported to colleges. A student may choose to share assessment results, such as SAT or ACT, as part of college applications.