Senior Student Speakers and Performers

Online application and video submission to Kathryn Carlsen by February 10th. 


Here is the link to the application and video submission: 


Here is the link to the Requirements for Speaking/Performing at Senior Events information and it is also below:


Requirements for Speaking/Performing at Senior Events

All speakers and performers must submit an online application and video submission by February 10th to be reviewed a panel of judges. Link is listed below. You will need to sign into your school GAFE account in order to submit. No late submissions will be considered.

For speeches, you only need to prepare 1-2 minutes of your speech.  It is not necessary to have the entire speech completely written at this time.  We want to hear your ideas and see how you perform.  If you are selected, you will work with a writing/presentation coach to complete the speech and work on the presentation. We want to hear your personal reflections on school events and special times. Do not list all of the events over your tenure in high school. Address one or two specific events in your speech.  Remember that the Farewell Assembly is more relaxed and fun, so this would be the place for the humorous speeches, but of course in good taste!  The Senior Awards Assembly and graduation are more dignified events.  We still want speeches that are personal and warm, but more formal.  Remember that your parents and invited adult guests are present at these two events.


For performers, you or your group will need to prepare a piece that is three minutes or under. You will need to have the piece well rehearsed. If it is a vocal piece, it will need to be memorized.

Each speaker/performer will be assigned a writing/presentation coach.  You must arrange to meet with your coach and follow their directions by the specified deadlines.  For example, if your speech needs to be edited you must do it by the deadline given.  If you are asked to meet with a judge to practice your speech or song, you must do it by the deadline.  Not meeting the deadline for improvements means you will forfeit your spot.

We do not have a set number of speakers/performers for each event.  We will decide that based on the number and quality of the auditions.

Performers and speakers may be assigned to any of the senior events.

If you have questions, please email Ms. Carlsen at