Principal's Newsletter January 20

Eagle News

Attention, sophomore parents:  If you have any concerns about your child taking the SAT, fear no more.  CHS is offering a year-long SAT Prep course for school year 2017-2018.  Your child will receive instruction every day for the SAT at no cost to you and no additional time commitment to your child's busy schedule.  Students enrolled in this course will rotate between math and English instruction aimed at developing strategies and practicing for the SAT.  Students often ask, "How can I improve my SAT score?"  The answer is simple: If you want to improve at anything, you have to practice.  This way, students will receive daily instruction that helps them develop and hone the skills necessary for success on the SAT.  If this is a course that you would like your child to enroll in, have him/her choose course #1603: SAT Prep Course when scheduling.

Midterms are the week of January 23rd-January 26th.

Exam schedule
January 23rd - Period 1
January 24th - Periods 2 and 3
January 25th - Periods 4A and 4B
January 26th - Periods 5 and 6


Course Schedule Preparation For school year 2017-2018

      Course registration materials distributed to students on

      Wednesday 18th, January 25, 2017 during 3rd period (Eagle Time):

Pre-printed Course selection form

Quick reference course number

FAQ sheet

Student transcript (ONLY for 10th and 11th graders)


      Important Dates to Remember

January 18th Students view a video and receive materials (see list above) for course registration

                January 18th -23rd Students will obtain teacher’s signatures for electives (if needed)

              and a parent signature.

January 23 (B Day) & 25th  (A Day) Bring to exam Course selection sheets with required teacher and parent signatures are due to student’s English teachers.

January 30 – February 10th Counselors will meet with each student individually during English classes

               February 10th Last day to turn in Course Placement Review (CPR) forms.

                June – Students will receive list of their registered courses

                August- Students will receive a copy of their schedule (mailed home)


CHS' Chapter of She's the First presents a student lead panel w/guests on "How to Survive High School" on Wednesday, February 8, 6-8pm in CHS' Media Center. Learn about: Navigating Honors, GT, and AP classes, college applications, and succeeding academically. This learning session is for CHS' students in grades 9-11 as well as rising 9th graders. Show up and become empowered.


The CHS Dance Program is hosting its 15th annual Student Choreography Showcase this Friday at 7pm in the auditorium.  This show is unique in that it is an entirely student-run production...lights, sound, choreography, performance, and stage & house crew.  It is directed by Grace Dwyer and Sarah Kim. 


The Centennial High School Step Team, the “Soaring Eagle Steppers,” are off to a great start. The step team consists of 16, steppers from grades 9-12. Their step coach, Mrs. Moody, is really proud of all of their hard work. They have been fortunate enough to work with 2 Step Masters on their routines.  So far this year, they have performed at 2 basketball games and at the Parent Council for Black Students Annual Holiday Celebration. They have been asked to perform at several events in the community and are truly making their mark in Howard County. Congratulations to the CHS Soaring Eagle Steppers!


Educator Recognition Night

It's a wonderful evening where we get to recognize educators who are having a positive impact on GT students.   Nominations are not limited to GT teachers, but can include any educator who has made a positive impact on our students and we recognize all nominations.  Below is the link for the nomination form.

Nominations can come from students and parents.  The deadline for nominations is February 24th.



Have a Great Weekend!

Claire Hafets