A Pretty and Polished Affair

Do you know someone who would like to attend Prom this spring but is not sure if they can afford the dress? Atholton High School's Becca's Closet is partnering with the Zeta Phi Beta sorority to hold the 4th annual A Pretty and Polished Affair. At this event girls will have the opportunity to take home prom dresses, jewelry, and shoes for free. They will also have the opportunity for makeup artists to show them what style of make up might go best with their dress choice. This event will be held at Atholton High School from 9am to 2pm in the main cafeteria on March 4, 2017.


You can preview some of our dresses at beccasclosetahs.wix.com/dresses *Note these are not the only dresses that will be at the event.


If you have any questions please contact Kathy Barrett jbifpapro@gmail.com or Krista Bopst  Krista_Bopst@hcpss.org