Centennial High School - AP Boot Camp – 2017

AP Boot Camp is an interactive leadership conference where students discuss and practice the qualities required for success in college and in the corporate world. This event will focus on developing five attributes: teamwork, communication, organization, reading, and problem solving. This program is for students that have taken AP classes as well as those who are just starting. Students will be divided into platoons and compete in tasks that will allow them to demonstrate these skills. After each task, students will reflect upon their performance and discuss how they can improve.  AP Boot Camp Online Application AP Boot Camp Application. AP Boot Camp Flier.


4 Goals of AP Boot Camp:

1. Introduce you to the unique academic challenges of Advanced Placement (AP) courses.

2. Guide you in skill development with focus on teamwork, communication, organization, reading, and problem solving.

3. Discuss the practical application of these skills inside and outside the classroom.

4. Provide opportunities for you to develop a support network with their peers.


Tuesday, August 22 & Wednesday, August 23, from 9am-12 noon at Centennial High School


For additional information, please see the following staff:

Mr. Slopek, Health Teacher

Ms. Mauser, Counselor

Ms. Moore, Asst. Principal

Mrs. Parisi, Teacher