CHS Booster News

CHS Boosters would like to announce the slate of officers for the 2017/2018 school year; President - Meg Roth, Vice-President – Craig Newell, Treasurer – Hank Alme, Secretary – Kathy Smith.  We would also like to welcome Karen Good, Jane Hockersmith, Heather Sites, and Elisa Oaksmith to the Booster’s 2017/2018 Board.  Thank you for your willingness to donate your time to help run events, concessions, spirit-wear and all of the other great things Boosters does for our school community -  2017-18 is going to be a great school year!


​Recently, CHS Boosters purchased and installed new softball dugout awnings, as well as awesome new awnings​ for the outside concessions stand.  
With the weather warming up, take a minute to walk down onto the school playing fields and check them out.  While you are down there, you can also see the new fence guard for the softball field that the school purchased and that Booster board member Craig Crispell and several parent volunteers installed for the school.  Thanks to Craig and his team of volunteers and thank you to all who support CHS Boosters!