From your friendly Yearbook team:

The 2016-17 yearbook will be launched at the Pancake Breakfast. Stop by room 701 and pick up your book.  We will be there for the duration of the pancake breakfast. If you cannot make it to the launch, then please feel free to stop by room 701 during period 4 (lunch shifts) any day to pick up your yearbook. For those students currently away at college, please contact me personally at to set up a pick up time

During the pancake breakfast, we will also have books from previous years on sale. If you missed out on any of the books in the recent past, here is your opportunity!

Finally, sales for this year's book are now open! Our Fab@40 anniversary book is bigger and better! Flyers will be sent home this week, but if you want to get a head start, you can click on the link below to reserve your copy today! Early bird pricing + added icon incentive is only available until October 1.

Parents of seniors: You can also get a head start on your personal ad/senior dedication. Lowest prices available now.