Principal's Newsletter December 8, 2017

Please join me in celebrating the following students, who were accepted to the Maryland All State Choir:

Ana Cunningham

Nicole Ouellette

Kai Daley

Anika Huang

Rachel Harris, Soprano Alternate

Moitri Kazi, Alto Alternate

Lauren Herr

Sabrina Ochoa

Srija Makkapati

Caroline Shimeall

Ashley Xu

Charu Dwivedi

Shardul Rakshit

William Qu

Antariksh Tulshyan

Ameya Sriram


On Saturday, December 2nd It's Academic Club brought seven teams to the History Bowl Tournament at St. Anselm's Abbey School in DC.  Our Varsity Team of Jakob Boeye, Emmy Alme, Anthony Duan and Toby Moser came in 3rd place, qualifying for the National History Bowl Tournament in April.   In the individual Bee tournament, freshman Anthony Duan won a silver medal for the second best performance for JV players and senior Jakob Boeye took the bronze medal for the third best performance in the Varsity Division.


Congratulations to Matt Demme, Harun Gopal, Natalie Willard, and Veronica Cagle. They were part of the graduating class from Leadership U of 2017. Their service projects have made a difference in the community and Howard County!


The Alpha Achievers of CHS have started a mentoring program with BMMS. They meet on Thursdays after school.


Aquila will be holding a used book sale next Friday afternoon.  Paperbacks are a dollar and hard covers are two dollars.  All proceeds go to publishing the literary magazine.


Calling Class of 2018! Senior t-shirts are in! If you purchased a senior passport, please stop by room 307 during Eagle Time or after school. We will also be distributing the t-shirts during lunch shifts on Wednesday, December 13th. If you would like to purchase a senior t-shirt, you may do so for $15 (cash or check made out to “Centennial HS”). If you have any questions please see Mrs. Engle or Mr. Moe.


Donuts! Centennial’s Make-A-Wish Foundation Club will be taking orders for Krispy Kreme donuts during December 11th through December 19th lunches, as well as through online orders on the Centennial High School’s Online Payments tab on the website. One dozen is $5! Donuts will be delivered during 6th period on December 22nd. Start off your holidays with delicious donuts!




This coming Monday, Tuesday and Thursday December 11, 12 and 14, there are 50

CHS seniors who will be testing PARCC English 11 and/or PARCC Algebra 2 to meet the College and Career Readiness criteria for the State of Maryland. If your child is testing, please remind him or her to eat a good breakfast, arrive to school on time, and to report directly to the testing location (Dell Lab or TV Studio) prior to 7:25am. English 11 students need to bring ear buds and Algebra 2 students need to bring calculators.


Come and support our teams…

See schedule of activities:

Sporting events @ CHS this weekend:

Wrestling takes the Mat this afternoon.

Girls basketball host Atholton today (Friday) JV at 5:30 and V at 7 (Boys are at Atholton same times)

Boys host Carver Saturday Afternoon JV at 12:30 and V at 2pm.


Please come out and support our student - athletes who have been working extremely hard.


Complete Schedules can be found at




Have a great weekend.

Claire Hafets