Principal's Newsletter for March 29, 2018

Eagle News:


Congratulations! This year’s county champions, Centennial Mock Trial won both rounds of Circuit Championships against Rockbridge Academy and Marriotts Ridge High School and continued its undefeated season. Circuit champions two years in a row, they will compete in Regionals next week. Go, Eagles!


On Saturday, March 24, Centennial sent 2 teams to the Thomas Jefferson Academic tournament in Alexandria, Virginia. After 11 matches, the A team of Emmaline Alme, Jakob Boeye, Adam Knox, and Tobias Moser came in second place in a field of teams from Ohio, Virginia, DC, and Maryland.


Congratulations to Catherine Gilbert who, in our Speech Communications class, performed her speech, “Happy!” in front of a live audience. The speech was filmed and edited by other Speech I students and will be shared with the school community on Canvas after Spring Break. The students in Speech I and II have been working on podcasts and video presentations; Catherine’s speech, which features Matthew Na, Julia Grable, and Claire Priestley, is the first to be filmed live this year. Way to go, Catherine! 


The CHS Madrigals and the Bella Voce Advanced Treble Choir both earned straight superior ratings at the HCPSS Choral Adjudication on March 13! 


All 3 bands (Symphonic Band, Symphonic Winds, and Wind Ensemble) received unanimous "superior" ratings, the highest rating possible, at the HCPSS High School Band Assessments for the second year in a row.  Congratulations to all of our band students on a job well done.

Centennial High School Art and Photography students will have their masterpieces exhibited in the following Spring Art Shows:

The annual Junior Portfolio and Senior Show will run from April 23rd through May 15th at the Central Office gallery at the Board of Education.  The following students will have their works on display in these two prestigious shows:

Anya Zwally, Gabbie Chaussee, Abbigail Hong and Bella Raymond-Paez will have their photographs on display.  Tricia Park, Zoe Schoenfeldt, Isabel Trojillo, Hye Jun Yoo, Angla Enders, Katie Harris and Jerry Yuan will have their drawings and paintings on display.  Tricia Park will be the Centennial High School speaker at the opening reception / awards ceremony on April 24th at Wild Lake High School auditorium from 6:00 – 9:00. 

 The Congressional Art Competition for Elijah Cumming’s 7th district will feature five works of art by Centennial High School students.  Bingbing Chang, Katie Harris, McKenna Griffin, Sophia Chao and Abbigail Hong will have their works on display at the Walter’s Art Museum in Baltimore and will be part of a reception on Saturday, April 28th from 10:30 am to 12:30 pm.

 Many artworks by Centennial High School art and photography students at all levels will have their artworks on display at the 46th Annual Spring Student Exhibition at the Mall in Columbia from April 10th to April 23rd. 

All Centennial High School Art and Photography students will have their artworks on display at the Centennial High School Spring Art Show from May 8th through June 8th in the main hallway, the front office and lobby, and the corner gallery. 

Tuesday, March 27th, the Alpha Achievers of Centennial HS, and the other 11 Howard County high schools, participated in the Annual Harambee Conference hosted by the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc. This year’s topic was Social Entrepreneurship.


CHS Achiever Attendees:

Chris Agnew

Javion Walters

John Yayibondje

Manu Matthew

Muchiri Mbugua


Once again, the Centennial Math Team has earned first place in the county division 1 math competitions this year.  Centennial members also did well individually.  Not only did we take 1st place for team honors but our members also earned many individual awards.  The 3rd place overall county finisher was Steppan Konoplev; we also have awards for top Junior in the County –Thomas Luo, top Sophomore –Kyutae Sim, and top Freshman – Justin Hsieh and Nadine Meister was highest scorer at Centennial.  In addition to the individual winners we had seven additional students recognized and asked to represent Howard County at the regional ARML competition in June (determined by the top 40 students countywide).  Those additional members joining those above representing Centennial and Howard County are: Anthony Duan, Andrew Liu, Sayak Maity, Anudeep Metuku, Shardul Rakshit, Joseph Wang, and Joyce Zhang.  Congratulations to the entire math team for another fabulous year.


Zaching Tournament: Thank you to the entire staff for your willingness to support and Zaching Against Cancer 3v3 tournament championship game during Eagle time today.  Special thank you to Rob Slopek, Michelle Van Giesen, Kristin Taylor, Mike Bossom, and Jarrett Emery for your help in making this happen. For more information on why this cause resonates with our community please visit

Thank you PCBS(Parent Council of Black Students) for starting off our day with a delicious breakfast for the staff!

One Centennial was a great success thanks to our students and staff. It was truly authentic student voice. It was motivating, energizing, and worthwhile. We are all proud to be Centennial Eagles!

Class of 2018 Graduation Date is Wednesday, May, 30th at 8am…more information to come.

Last day for Seniors is Thursday, May 24th and the Senior picnic is May 23rd.


Have a wonderful spring break!

Claire Hafets