Centennial Football 2018

All paperwork for students interested in playing football at Centennial in the fall 2018 is due ASAP.

The following forms must be submitted ASAP: parent permission form, sudden cardiac arrest form, a copy of a current BGE bill, and a copy of birth certificate (for incoming freshman only).

Physical forms can be turned in during the summer until August 1.

Forms can be found using the following link: https://www.hcpss.org/athletics/forms-and-guidelines/


All completed forms can be turned into the CHS front office or scanned and emailed to william_martin@hcpss.org


Offseason workouts will be held Monday-Thursday throughout the entire summer at 3:30 at CHS.  All players are expected to attend.

For a current calendar, please visit: https://tinyurl.com/CHSFBallCalendar


If you have any questions, please email Coach Martin at william_martin@hcpss.org