Principal's Newsletter for June 15, 2018

Eagle News

It’s Academic: Congratulations to Jakob Boeye for being chosen as a First Team All-World player (top 10 in the nation and only first teamer from Maryland). Congratulations to Jakob Boeye, Emmaline Alme, and Anthony Duan for being selected to the All-Star Tournament in Kentucky next week. TV SCHEDULE - Saturday June 30 10AM WJZ TV channel 13 CBS Finals Match Saturday June 30 10am WJZ TV channel 13 CBS Intercity Match.

Congratulations: Boys Lacrosse

1st Team All County

Jeremy Wilson- Senior- Attack

Stafford Smith- Junior- Defense

2nd Team All- County

Peter Krawczyk- Junior- Attack

Charlie Hockersmith- Junior- Midfield

Jack Schlossberg- Senior- Goalie

Academic All-American

Charlie Hockermith

Congratulations: Girls Lacrosse - 1st Team All County - Marissa Lagera and Claudia Pilcher

Centennial Football 2018: All paperwork for students interested in playing football at Centennial in the fall 2018 is due ASAP. The following forms must be submitted ASAP: parent permission form, sudden cardiac arrest form, a copy of a current BGE bill, and a copy of birth certificate (for incoming freshman only). Physical forms can be turned in during the summer until August 1.Forms can be found using the following link:

All completed forms can be turned into the CHS front office or scanned and emailed to

Offseason workouts will be held Monday-Thursday throughout the entire summer at 3:30 at CHS. All players are expected to attend. For a current calendar, please visit: If you have any questions, please email Coach Martin at

Thank you to the PTSA and Boosters for all that you have provided for us this year.

We are so very fortunate! The International lunch on Wednesday was delicious!

Report cards will be mailed June 20th. Please be alert to our newsletter and hcpss news alerts for upcoming activities.

Save the Date:

August 30th – 9th Grade Orientation

September 4th - First day of School

September 6th – Back to School Night

September 28th and 29th – Homecoming

The Theatre Department is proud to announce our season for 2018-2019!

Fall Play: "Clue", November 15-18, 2018 and Spring Musical: "Shrek", March 21-24, 2019

My Final Farewell…with a grateful heart, I say thank you for all your support, friendship, encouragement, and cooperation you have shown to me over the past ten years. The sweet memories will remain in my heart forever. I wish you good health, success, and happiness in your future. Once again, I am so fortunate to have worked with such wonderful colleagues, families, students, and friends. Thank you for everything and the amazing event on Wednesday with my Centennial family!

At graduation, I read a quote from Disney World that truly expresses my feelings for my Centennial family… “And so, our journey comes to end. But yours continues on. Grab ahold of your dreams and make them come true. For you are the key to unlocking your own magic. Now go. Let your dreams guide you. Reach out and find your Happily Ever After.”

Thank you for all the amazing memories, adventures, and experiences…

Centennial High School will continue its commitment to excellence and the education of every student. You are supportive and actively involved in your children’s education and our students are high achievers and successful because of it. Centennial High School will continue with exemplary initiatives; we will continue to provide opportunities for our students to achieve excellence. On behalf of the staff at Centennial High School, we wish you all a safe and enjoyable summer.

Our summer hours are from 8:00AM -3:00PM. Be Safe, Have Eagle Pride, and always Make Good Choices!

Sending you all of my very best wishes always,

Claire Hafets (