BUBBLE Day: Friday October 5, 2018 PSAT Day: Wednesday October 10, 2018

All students in grades 9-11 will be participating in a “Bubble Day” session on Friday October 5th 2018, which is completing the pre-administration sections for the PSAT. Please make sure your student is here on Friday to participate in this session held from 9:40am-10:35am in the student’s PSAT room. During this time, 12th grade students will report to the auditorium for a senior class meeting.

All 9th – 11th grade students will be participating in the administration of the PSAT on Wednesday, October 10.

* The PSATs will take place on Wednesday, October 10th, beginning at 7:45 am. All 9th grade students will participate in the PSAT 8/9 while 10th and 11th grade students will participate in the PSAT/NMSQT. The test will only be offered once and there is no make-up date for students who are late or absent from school.

* All students have been pre-registered.

* Students should look at posted lists outside the cafeteria and media center prior to Wednesday to find their testing location. Staff members also have lists and can help students find their testing locations.

* Please bring a scientific calculator to use for the test.

* Cell phones, Smart watches, earbuds, Bluetooth devices, iPads, laptops, etc. should be left at home or off and put away in a backpack at the front of the classroom.

What Will Seniors do on PSAT Day?

Seniors are encouraged to choose one of the following activities:

* Use the day to make other college visits with family or work on college applications and essays at home. Families may use one of their discretionary leave days (please send a note in with your student or email dhowse@hcpss.org.

* Seniors who do come to school on October 10 will go to the cafeteria to work on college applications and essays, with teacher support.

* Seniors who attend ARL are expected to attend ARL classes on October 10.

What are the advantages of PSAT participation and results:

* The PSAT helps students prepare for the SAT. Students can become familiar with test format and test question types. Also, student scores predict SAT performance and can help with choices about further student preparation.

* The PSAT registration also allows qualifying participants to be entered into scholarship and recognition programs (grades 10-11).

* The PSAT is an introduction to many of the requirements for college and career-readiness.

* Students will begin to receive information from colleges and universities as they explore their options. * Student performance will help to identify needed skill development and areas for improvement. Students: Please remember to get a good night's sleep, eat a balanced breakfast, and report to school on time. Also, students should remember a calculator for use during the test! No calculators will be distributed or delivered to students on test day! Please contact Tracy Scaltz, Assistant Principal (tracy_scaltz@hcpss.org) with questions about the PSAT. Students with Testing Accommodations: Some students receive testing accommodations at the high school due to a disability documented through a 504 Plan or IEP. These accommodations do not automatically apply to the PSAT or SAT. All accommodations must be approved by College Board. It is often recommended for students to take the PSAT without accommodations. This helps students and their parents to determine if the accommodations will be beneficial on the actual SAT. Please speak with your guidance counselor and/or case manager for additional information on the application/approval process

