Eagles Nest 9/13/19


September 13, 2019




Update your Family File by visiting https://www.hcpss.org/

All parents/guardians should now be receiving communication from the school their child will attend this upcoming school year. Anyone still receiving messages from last year’s school (if different than this year), please email webmaster@hcpss.org from the email you subscribed with, and include your name, your child’s name, and your child’s 2018-2019 and 2019-2020 schools.


Additionally, parents/guardians should have already updated the Family File emergency information. Thus far, only 62% of families have complied. Parents must verify or update information for each child, each school year. Access Family File by logging in to HCPSS Connect, selecting the Family File tab on the left and then selecting Family File. Details and resources can be found on the HCPSS website.


Please call the HCPSS Division of Communications with any questions at 410-313-6600.



There will be no printed 2019-2020 calendars. Staff, students and families may add our online calendar to their own mobile/online calendar by


Going to https://www.hcpss.org/calendar/;

Scrolling down to Subscribing to a Calendar;

Right-clicking on the calendar you wish to subscribe to;

Selecting Copy Link Location/Address/Shortcut;

Adding to your calendar of choice (See your calendar for specifics on adding a new calendar).


You also may view and/or download printable PDFs of the full calendar and/or important dates only. Updates to the PDFs will be noted on the HCPSS calendar page.

PLEASE NOTE! The calendar is subject to change. The online calendar reflects the most recent version.



If you spent a part of your summer vacation cleaning your room and you found some CHS Textbooks or Media materials, you should bring them in to school as soon as you get a chance.  Any fines that were previously paid will be refunded in full. Students with outstanding obligations will not be issued parking permits and may be excluded from extracurricular activities. 



Students who require medication to be administered during the school day need to have new forms completed for this fall.  For your convenience, you can find these forms on-line at the HCPSS website by

clicking on the link for Physician’s Orders (http://www.hcpss.org/aboutus/forms.shtml). 



The Howard County Public School System has instituted a Diploma Name Form for graduating seniors.  A high school diploma is an OFFICIAL document. Accordingly, diplomas will be printed using the senior’s

full legal name as it appears on the birth certificate, passport or court-ordered name change document.  Any family that wishes to have the printed diploma use a name other than that which appears in Synergy should download a copy of the Diploma Signature Change Form and submit it to Student Services no later

than Friday, October 4, 2019.



Centennial High School’s website is a great source of information at www.chs.hcpss.org

Twitter:  @hcpss_CHS

Intagram: @CentennialHS

Facebook: @chs.hcpss.org

Visit the CHS PTSA website at www.chs-ptsa.org and CHS Boosters website atwww.centennialboostersonline.com.

Also another source to receive school news via email is the HCPSS News.  To register please go to www.hcpssnews.com, click on Subscribe and select Centennial High School.




See what’s happening at CHS! (and add our Google Calendar to your phone!) 


Student Parking

This is just a reminder that the deadline for parking permit applications for any student who has priority status - interested Seniors and interested Juniors enrolled in Work Study/Intern Mentor programs, or dual enrollment - is Friday, September 20. 

We will issue any remaining permits to students on the waiting list beginning Monday, September 23.


Remember that there are new traffic and parking procedures on our campus. Parking spaces lined in yellow are for staff and visitors only. Parking spaces lined in white are for students. Students, please make sure that your parking hang tag is visibly displayed.


MISA home report distribution for 9th grade students

The home reports have arrived at CHS from the 8th grade administration of the MISA exam. Please look for these reports to come home with your 9th-grade students on Tuesday September 17th. The reports will be distributed through students' 3rd period classes on this day. 


Centennial Homecoming Dance

The Homecoming Dance is Saturday, 28 September from 7-10 pm.  (No admittance after 8 pm.) Homecoming tickets bought in person are $20 each.  Tickets may be purchased online for $15. Online ticket sales have already begun.  In person ticket sales will take place during all lunch shifts beginning Monday, 9/23 through Wednesday, 9/25.  Tickets may also be bought in person after school on Tuesday, 9/24 and Wednesday, 9/25. 


Online ticket sales end Wednesday, 9/25 at midnight.  The online receipt must be exchanged for a paper ticket Monday, 9/23 through Thursday, 9/26 during lunch shifts or after school Tuesday. 9/24 through Thursday, 9/27.


No tickets are sold at the door. 


If a student would like to bring a guest from another school, Guest Dance Forms are available in the front office (or here) and are due no later than Wednesday, 9/25.


Before a ticket may be bought in person, or an online ticket sale picked up, all obligations must be cleared.  

Forms: Emergency Procedure cards (Family File),  CHS Student Honor Code/Academic Integrity agreement, HCPSS Student Code of Conduct & Related Policies.  Other obligations: overdue media books, textbooks, uniforms, etc.



School pictures for the underclassmen will be taken on Wednesday, September 18 and Thursday, September 19. 



The home reports have arrived from the May 2019 administration of the PARCC exams. Please look for these reports to come home with your students on Tuesday September 17th. The reports will be distributed through students' 3rd period classes on this day.



Renee Bos and the school level AP coordinators will host three regional informational meetings for students, parents, and community members regarding recent changes in Advanced Placement classes and exams.  Students and parents are urged to attend; information will be provided about AP registration, changes in the AP curriculum, and other topics. There will also be time allotted for questions. Please advertise this information with your school communities along with the meeting dates listed below:

9/9  - 6 pm at Hammond High

9/10  - 6:30 pm at Centennial High

9/11  - 6 pm at  Howard High



Influenza, also known as the flu, is a serious illness that affects people of all ages.  One of the best ways to prevent the flu is through vaccinations. Howard County Public Schools are pleased to join with the Maryland Partnership for Prevention (MPP) to offer flu vaccinations to students and staff at Centennial High School.  


The Flu vaccination clinic will be held on Monday October 28th in the Morning only.

If you want your child to be vaccinated, please:

Complete the consent form online at:  https://immunizemaryland.org/school-clinic-consent-form or type www.vaccineconsent.com into your URL and it will take you to the consent page.

Use your insurance card to fill out your insurance information accurately.  Your insurance company will be billed however, there is no co-pay or deductible.  You will NOT be charged by MPP or your insurance company. Submit the consent form no later than September 29, 2019.  Your student will be given a pass with a time to come to the clinic on vaccination day. Please call the school nurse if you have any questions: 410-313-2533



The PSAT will be administered to students in grades 9-11 on Wednesday October 16th during periods 1-3. Freshman will be administered the 8/9 version of the PSAT and Sophomores and Juniors will take the NMSQT version of the PSAT. Students in 9th grade will receive access to the PSAT 8/9 Student Guide through their English class Canvas page next week and students in 10th and 11th grades will receive the PSAT-NMSQT Student Guide in the same manner. This resource can be used to find general information about the PSAT including what to bring on test day, get test-taking tips and advice, and try sample questions to familiarize students with the test. Both guides are available in pdf format and will be posted on our CHS webpage in the next few days. Parents, please ensure that your child gets plenty of rest the night prior, eats a healthy breakfast and arrives to school on time. Currently, we have roughly 1200 students who will be taking the PSAT so we need to start immediately at 7:25am. There are no make-ups for the PSAT.


On Friday October 11th, we will be running our pre-administration "Bubble Day" session between periods 2 and 3 for grades 9-11 in preparation for the PSAT on Wednesday October 16th, so please ensure that your child is in school this day to complete this task. This will save us a great deal of time on PSAT-day to ensure that we complete testing prior to the start of lunches. Thank you in advance for your assistance. 






PTSA/Boosters News

See what’s happening with CHS PTSA or CHS Boosters by clicking the names.



Eagles! Way to keep up the great Clothing to Cash work - CHS was #1 all summer long!


In June we collected 1919 lbs, July gained 2158 pounds, and August saw 2270 pounds donated, all for a summer total of $934.70 earned! Keep those items coming; contact me if you have any questions!



The CHS PTSA is a vital part of the team that makes CHS such a special place for our 1600+ students.  Dedicated, hard-working volunteers help put plans into action, but these programs need funding, which comes largely from memberships and donations.


With our busy lives, not everyone has the time to volunteer, but you can still make a huge difference.  Your membership and donation help to provide the funding to support programs for student advocacy, academic enrichment, health & safety, staff appreciation, and of course, the best After Prom event in Howard County, CHS Late Night.


In addition, the CHS PTSA is working diligently to stay on top of developments with the County and HCPSS.  Issues like capacity utilization, development fees, recent budget changes that threaten to delay our scheduled renovation, and many other issues can have a profound effect on the future of CHS, so it is imperative that we have a strong PTSA to keep everyone informed and follow the process.   


Please consider joining and donating at  https://www.chs-ptsa.org/join-chs-ptsa


Community News

Please visit the Community News and Programs page on the HCPSS website for announcements of upcoming events and programs sponsored by non-profit organizations (http://www.hcpss.org/community-news-and-programs/).


College Admissions Panel Discussion

River Hill PTSA is presenting a panel discussion on college admissions.  For more infornation, Click Here.


KNOW How to Invest in Your Kid’s Future

Long Reach High School is pleased to partner with HC DrugFree to bring Dr. Amelia Arria, Director, Center on Young Adult Health and Development at the University of Maryland School of Public Health to share her expertise with parents and other community members. This presentation will focus on areas of concern for high school parents and the impact of substance use, particularly marijuana, on academic performance.  The event is

Tuesday, September 17, 2019 at 7:00 p.m. in the Long Reach High School Auditorium. This program is for Adults only!


Dr. Arria’s research focuses on health risk behaviors among college students and how these issues interfere with academic performance. HC DrugFree’s Executive Director, Joan Webb Scornaienchi will discuss vaping and what’s happening in Howard County. She will also have a display for parents/adults to view of hats sold locally with hidden drug pockets and many other common household items used to hide drugs.


HC DrugFree

Teen Advisory Council: HC DrugFree’s Teen Advisory Council (TAC) meets one Monday evening a month from 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. at The Barn/Teen Center in the Oakland Mills Village Center and is open to all Howard County high school students. Community service hours are available for all meetings and events. The first meeting of the school year will be held on  Monday, September 23. Registration found at  www.hcdrugfree.org on the Teen Advisory Council page. Refreshments provided. Must RSVP to  Admin@hcdrugfree.org or call 443-325-0040.


Save the date. Dispose of Old EpiPens, Medication and More: Howard County’s next convenient drive-thru medication and “sharps” (needles, syringes and EpiPens) collection will be held on  Saturday, October 26 between 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. in the Wilde Lake Village Center parking lot. HC DrugFree and the Howard County Police urge all families to clean out unwanted or expired over-the-counter and prescription medications and sharps. Visit HC DrugFree’s website at  www.hcdrugfree.org and go to the Events/Drug Take Back Day page for more information about medication disposal, email  Admin@hcdrugfree.org or call 443-325-0040.


Parent Newsletter. Vaping! Overdoses! Fun Community Service Hours!  Sign up for HC DrugFree’s free electronic newsletter to learn about issues facing your children, free educational programs/resources for adults and youth, and local data. Gain access to a Q&A where parents or youth ask anonymous questions and local experts provide answers. Sign up online at  www.hcdrugfree.org homepage or forward your email address to  Admin@hcdrugfree.org.


Adults-Only Program at Long Reach High School: Long Reach High School is pleased to partner with HC DrugFree to bring Dr. Amelia Arria, Director, Center on Young Adult Health and Development at the UMD School of Public Health to share her expertise with parents and other community members. This presentation will focus on areas of concern for high school parents and the impact of substance use, particularly marijuana, on academic performance. HC DrugFree's Executive Director, Joan Webb Scornaienchi will discuss vaping and what's happening in Howard County. She will also have a display for parents/adults to view hats sold locally with hidden drug pockets and many other common household items used to hide drugs. This program will be held on Tuesday, September 17 at 7:00 p.m. in the Long Reach High School Auditorium located at 6101 Old Dobbin Lane in Columbia. Visit the calendar at  www.hcdrugfree.org for more information.


Drug-Free Pain Management Awareness: Having pain? Join Dr. Brian Morrison of Morrison Chiropractic, P.A. and Joan Webb Scornaienchi of HC DrugFree at 7:30 p.m. on September 12 to celebrate Drug-Free Pain Management Month and learn about pain science, healthy pain management options and what you can do. Free and open to the public. Must register because space is limited. The event will be held at Morrison Chiropractic at 2850 North Ridge Road, Suite #107 in Ellicott City. To register, go to  www.facebook.com/morrisonchiro.