Eagles Nest 9/27/19


September 27, 2019




Centennial Homecoming

The Homecoming Football Game begins at 7 pm.


The Homecoming Carnival is on Saturday from 11 am and ends at 1 pm.  Tickets are one dollar each. The number of tickets required varies for food, games, and other purchases.  Proceeds benefit various clubs and groups.


The Homecoming Dance is Saturday, 28 September from 7-10 pm.  (No admittance after 8 pm.) Homecoming tickets bought in person are $20 each.  Tickets may be purchased online for $15. Online ticket sales have already begun.  In person ticket sales will take place during all lunch shifts beginning Monday, 9/23 through Wednesday, 9/25.  Tickets may also be bought in person after school on Tuesday, 9/24 and Wednesday, 9/25. 


CHS Wrestling

There will be an Organizational Meeting for all students interested in wrestling this Winter Season, on Tuesday, October 1st, right after school in the auxillary gym.



The Howard County Public School System has instituted a Diploma Name Form for graduating seniors.  A high school diploma is an OFFICIAL document. Accordingly, diplomas will be printed using the senior’s

full legal name as it appears on the birth certificate, passport or court-ordered name change document.  Any family that wishes to have the printed diploma use a name other than that which appears in Synergy should download a copy of the Diploma Signature Change Form and submit it to Student Services no later

than Friday, October 4, 2019.




See what’s happening at CHS! (and add our Google Calendar to your phone!) 


Flu Vaccinations

Flu vaccines coming to our school!  It's not too late to sign up online!  Our flu vaccine clinic at Centennial High School will be held on October 28th, and you can go to vaccineconsent.com to sign up before October 4.  Please contact the health room at 410-313-2533


with any questions.  Thank you and here's to a healthy school year!


Class of 2022

LAST CHANCE! There is no better way to spend Homecoming and Spirit Week than by helping to fundraise for the Class of 2022!!! The sophomore class board is actively looking for prom venues for Spring 2021. We are trying to alleviate multiple fundraisers throughout the school year for families. Please participate in our first and (hopefully) only fundraiser for the 2019-2020 school year. We are asking for donations, but with your donations, your child receives Class of 2022 spirit wear. Donation amounts of $50, $100, or $150 receive gear, but any donation will help. Please visit https://osp.osmsinc.com/HowardMD/BVModules/ProductTemplates/Bvc2013/Product.aspx?productid=DA041-VAR26


BUBBLE Day: Friday October 11, 2019; PSAT Day: Wednesday October 16, 2019

All students in grades 9-11 will be participating in a “Bubble Day” session on Friday October 11th 2019, which is completing the pre-administration sections for the PSAT. Please make sure your student is here on Friday to participate in this session held from 9:40am-10:35am in the student’s PSAT room. During this time, 12th grade students will report to the auditorium for a senior class meeting.


All 9th – 11th grade students will be participating in the administration of the PSAT on Wednesday, October 16.

  • The PSATs will take place on Wednesday, October 16th, beginning at 7:45 am. All 9th grade students will participate in the PSAT 8/9 while 10th and 11th grade students will participate in the PSAT/NMSQT.  The test will only be offered once and there is no make-up date for students who are late or absent from school.

  • All students have been pre-registered.

  • Students should look at posted lists outside the cafeteria and media center prior to Wednesday to find their testing location. Staff members also have lists and can help students find their testing locations.

  • Please bring a scientific calculator to use for the test.

  • Cell phones, Smart watches, earbuds, Bluetooth devices, iPads, laptops, etc. should be left at home or off and put away in a backpack at the front of the classroom.

What Will Seniors do on PSAT Day?

Seniors are encouraged to choose one of the following activities:

  • Use the day to make other college visits with family or work on college applications and essays at home.  Families may use one of their discretionary leave days (please send a note in with your student or email dhowse@hcpss.org.

  • Seniors who do come to school on October 16 will go to the cafeteria to work on college applications and essays, with teacher support.

  • Seniors who attend ARL are expected to attend ARL classes on October 16.

What are the advantages of PSAT participation and results:

  • The PSAT helps students prepare for the SAT. Students can become familiar with test format and test question types. Also, student scores predict SAT performance and can help with choices about further student preparation.

  • The PSAT registration also allows qualifying participants to be entered into scholarship and recognition programs (grades 10-11).

  • The PSAT is an introduction to many of the requirements for college and career-readiness.

  • Students will begin to receive information from colleges and universities as they explore their options.

  • Student performance will help to identify needed skill development and areas for improvement.

Students:  Please remember to get a good night's sleep, eat a balanced breakfast, and report to school on time. Also, students should remember a calculator for use during the test! No calculators will be distributed or delivered to students on test day!


Please contact Tracy Scaltz, Assistant Principal (tracy_scaltz@hcpss.org) with questions about the PSAT.  


Students with Testing Accommodations:

Some students receive testing accommodations at the high school due to a disability documented through a 504 Plan or IEP.  These accommodations do not automatically apply to the PSAT or SAT. All accommodations must be approved by College Board. It is often recommended for students to take the PSAT without accommodations.  This helps students and their parents to determine if the accommodations will be beneficial on the actual SAT. Please speak with your guidance counselor and/or case manager for additional information on the application/approval process.  


Senior Passports

This is just a reminder that Sunday, September 22, midnight, is the deadline for purchasing Senior "Passport" discount packages ($120) which cover: Crabfeast, Luau, Senior Cruise, and a Senior T'shirt. Purchase online at: osp.osmsinc.com/HowardMD. 


If you are interested in Crabfeast ONLY tickets ($50), they must be purchased online also at: osp.osmsinc.com/HowardMD    Sale ends Sunday, Sept 22 at midnight.




Got great news about our students, staff, or community? Send it and we’ll shout it out! 


It’s Academic

On Saturday September 21, 2019, Centennial won with 635 points against Glenelg 300 and North County 280. This show will appear on Saturday October 26 at 10AM on WJZ TV CBS in Baltimore. Captain Adam Knox (senior), Tobias Moser (senior), and Anthony Duan (junior) will compete next on TV in a Playoff game which will tape on February 1, 2020. We thank the Centennial Drill Team for performing at our match and, the Burleigh Manor Middle and the CLES kids who attended. WE appreciate the support of our Centennial Boosters, the administration, and our awesome principal. 


See what’s happening with CHS PTSA or CHS Boosters by clicking the names or by visiting our website.


Community News

Please visit the Community News and Programs page on the HCPSS website for announcements of upcoming events and programs sponsored by non-profit organizations (http://www.hcpss.org/community-news-and-programs/).


Youth in Conversation

Youth in Conversation (YIC) is inviting all interested high school students to meet twice a month to have facilitated dialogues and create Podcasts. Our goals are to address the challenges and gifts of diversity, teach dialogue skills to use in difficult conversations and provide leadership opportunities for students to create environments where all feel welcome.  The first meeting for the 2019-2020 school year will be on October 14. Email Rebecca Dietz at hoco.convo@gmail.com for more information and to sign up.


Youth in Conversation is a program of HoCo.Convo in collaboration with the HCPSS Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, the Howard County Office of Human Rights, the Local Children’s Board, the Columbia Association Multicultural Programs and the Mediation and Conflict Resolution Center.


Hispanic Heritage Month

Join us for a family friendly celebration of Hispanic and Latino American Culture, Heritage and Contributions, Food, performances, informative presentations crafts and more!


Sunday, September 29 from 3 - 5:30 pm at North Laurel Community Center, 9411 Whiskey Bottom Road, Laurel, MD  20723. For more information contact 410-313-6430.


Your Child Just Joined the Military? Or Is Thinking About it? What Now?

Learn about eligibility requirements, career opportunities, benefits of serving, and resources available to help navigate and prepare for their years of service.


Saturday, October 5th

2 - 3:30 pm

HCLS Miller Branch

Please register at hclibrary.org or by calling



College Admissions Panel Discussion

River Hill PTSA is presenting a panel discussion on college admissions.  For more information, Click Here.


HC DrugFree

Teen Advisory Council: HC DrugFree’s Teen Advisory Council (TAC) meets one Monday evening a month from 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. at The Barn/Teen Center in the Oakland Mills Village Center and is open to all Howard County high school students. Community service hours are available for all meetings and events. The first meeting of the school year will be held on  Monday, September 23. Registration found at  www.hcdrugfree.org on the Teen Advisory Council page. Refreshments provided. Must RSVP to  Admin@hcdrugfree.org or call 443-325-0040.


Save the date. Dispose of Old EpiPens, Medication and More: Howard County’s next convenient drive-thru medication and “sharps” (needles, syringes and EpiPens) collection will be held on  Saturday, October 26 between 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. in the Wilde Lake Village Center parking lot. HC DrugFree and the Howard County Police urge all families to clean out unwanted or expired over-the-counter and prescription medications and sharps. Visit HC DrugFree’s website at  www.hcdrugfree.org and go to the Events/Drug Take Back Day page for more information about medication disposal, email  Admin@hcdrugfree.org or call 443-325-0040.


Parent Newsletter. Vaping! Overdoses! Fun Community Service Hours!  Sign up for HC DrugFree’s free electronic newsletter to learn about issues facing your children, free educational programs/resources for adults and youth, and local data. Gain access to a Q&A where parents or youth ask anonymous questions and local experts provide answers. Sign up online at  www.hcdrugfree.org homepage or forward your email address to  Admin@hcdrugfree.org.



The Dale Carnegie Young Adult Leadership Program, open to all H.S. students teaches life skills in communication, leadership, interpersonal skills, public speaking, stress management, and self-confidence. This is a world renowned program offered at River Hill High School back by popular demand.  Listen to what the Richard Montgomery High School principal has to say about Y.A.L.P:  https://vimeo.com/289566507 and

INSIDER LOOK Young Adult Leadership Program  https://vimeo.com/storiastudio/insiderlook 

YALP is the high school version of the internationally renowned Dale Carnegie Course. Warren Buffett, American business magnate, investor, author and philanthropist, is a graduate of the Dale Carnegie Course…listen to what he has to say: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b1I0AP28qy0

  • Manage stress more effectively – Great leadership is not born out of good times but when faced with adversity and challenges

  • Build confidence– particularly in public speaking (we build confidence throughout our lives – no matter how confident we are right now, we can always stretch and grow)

  • Refine social skills– even those who are already outgoing can enhance their communication and listening skills

  • Sharpen interpersonal and leadership skills

  • Strengthen advocacy & communication skills– it’s not just what we say but ‘how’ we say it…

  • Prepare for college interviews

  • Eligible for 2 college credits

Hear what past grad Todd has to say https://vimeo.com/storiastudio/todd Todd’s Story (DECA Student)

Visit our Testimonial page at: http://dalecarnegieyouth.com/what-people-are-saying/ for other grad testimonials

November Young Adult Leadership Program Schedule.   All sessions are held on Sunday mornings

Sun. Nov 17– Orientation – 9:00pm to 12:30pm– parents welcome

Sun. Nov. 24 - Session 1 – 9:00am – 12:30pm

Sun. Dec. 8 -Session 2 – 9:00am to 12:30pm

Sun. Dec. 15 - Session 3 – 9:00 am to 12:30pm

Sun. Dec. 22- Session 4 – 9:00am too 12:30pm

Sun.  Jan. 5 -Session 5 – 9:00am to 12:30pm

Sun. Jan. 12 Session 6 – 9:00am to 12:30pm

Sun, Jan 19 - Session 7 – 9:00am to 12:30pm

Sun, Jan 26 - Session 8 Graduation – 9:00am to 12:30pm – parents welcome

* If students miss more than one session, the YALP instructor will work with the students to schedule a make-up.

https://drive.google.com/file/d/12ivij5Al1NANdsl98xc-BlxXrzi6bnei/view?usp=sharing   River Hill Flier

https://drive.google.com/file/d/1neqyldsqYpGNi36DaPOk8ld5brZCNgqU/view?usp=sharing Five Drivers of Success

https://drive.google.com/file/d/1he1SOhHzD34AsJ-cFYy9i6pYwzTmLmhf/view?usp=sharing List of Schools of YALP Graduates

https://drive.google.com/file/d/1uEZZK_21IYKdhrkxKGCi9RO9XD-q_77x/view?usp=sharing  YALP Registration Form

For more information, please contact Janet Rohner at 410-960-3301 or Janet.Rohner@dalecarnegie.com