Eagles Nest 11/15/19


November 15, 2019




American Education Week

American Education Week is November 18 – 22.  Parents may visit any day during this week, but are encouraged to visit on Tuesday, November 19, to ensure no exams will be administered in classes you are visiting.


Parent/Teacher Conferences

Monday, November 25: 4:30 – 7:30 PM

Tuesday, November 26: 12:15 - 2:45 PM and 4:30 - 7:30 PM

Wednesday, November 27: 7:30 – 2:45 PM

HCPSS will continue to use the Synergy Conference Management to schedule parent–teacher conferences. Synergy Conference Management provides a simple user interface and easy navigation. Starting Monday, November 11th, parents can log into HCPSS Connect to view and select from the time slots provided by the teacher for the conference.  Click the link for a brief video showing how to schedule conferences https://youtu.be/QcMwkkIgkls


HOMEWOOD’S 16th Annual Recycled Treasure Sale

Homewood is holding its annual recycled treasure sale on Thursday, December 19.  Donations are needed. Great gift wish list include, but no limited to, the following:


    Charging Cords and Earbuds

    Video Games & Electronics

    Sporting Goods

    Toys/Stuffed Animals

    New Clothes, with tags

    New Gloves and Socks, with tags

    Holiday Themed Gifts

    Fashion Jewelry

    Lotions & Beauty Items

    Ladies Scarves & Purses

    Holiday Gift Bags and Tissue (all sizes)


Accepting donations from now until December 13.  Any donation may be dropped off to Mrs. Taylor in Room 913.


Federal Impact Aid form

When completing your Family File, if you indicated that you work on federal property or are active duty military, your student will be receiving a form to be completed.  Please return this form as soon as possible, but no later than December 21. If you did not receive the form and are either active duty military or work on federally owned property the form can be found here.  All information collected is confidential and used only for the stated purpose of determining the amount of funding available to HCPSS. Forms are retained at the HCPSS Central Office for Impact Aid auditing.


Why mastering your mind is the secret to success

Monday, November 18 at 7:00 at Centennial High School, Amita Shukla will be presenting on creating transformative innovations for human health, well-being, potential. For more details, click here.


Yearbooks on Sale

You know what makes for a great holiday gift?

A yearbook.

It is the gift of memories.

It is the gift that will be treasured.


Yearbooks on sale now. Price increase set for November 14th. Buy now, save now, enjoy forever!



Last year we completely sold out, so secure your copy today! Yearbooks make for great holiday gifts, and we are currently offering the book at a discounted rate. Buy early, save money, preserve the memories! Click on link for more information.


CHS Fall Production of SENSE and Sensibility

If you thought you had any sense of the classic Jane Austen novel , think again. This won’t be just any show.

Centennial High School is proud to present Sense and Sensibility by Kate Hamill, based on the novel by Jane Austen. Show times are November 14-16 at 7:00 pm and November 17 at 2:00 pm. 

When their father dies, Elinor and Marianne Dashwood are sent to live with their mother and sister in a cottage in the county. There, they meet Willoughby — a dashing and charming young man who catches the fancy of Miss Marianne. But when Colonel Brandon, an elderly friend, uncovers a dark truth, the Dashwood sisters will be left to their senses and their sensibility to discover what lies beneath all the gossip.


Check out The Wingspan

The Wingspan, the Centennial Newsmagazine, has just published their first issue of the year. Read about the dangers of vaping with a testimony from one of our very own students, as well as the truth behind College Board’s decision for early registration. The issue can be accessed at: https://chswingspan.files.wordpress.com/2019/11/wingspan-volume-43-issue-1-november-edition.pdf

Please go check it out!


AP Exams - Registration Update

Online AP Exam Registration is now CLOSED.

Normal registration will end on 11/15. The cost per exam will be $94, due upon registration via our school online payment service. Late registration will begin on 11/16 and end on 3/13 and cost an additional $40 per exam ($134). NO REGISTRATIONS CAN BE ACCEPTED AFTER March 13th. Step-by-step directions and more details are included in the link below or can be found on the CHS website under Academics.  Contact Andrea Covington with questions and concerns acovington@hcpss.org.



For specific payment instructions, contact Andrea Covington, andrea_covington@hcpss.org.  

After November 8, paper registration forms and checks payable to Centennial High School must be submitted to Mrs. Covington. College Board will assess a late fee of $40 for registration after November 15.

Students who receive Free and Reduced Meals (FARMs) qualify for AP exam fee reductions.



See what’s happening at CHS! (and add our Google Calendar to your phone!) 



Got great news about our students, staff, or community? Send it and we’ll shout it out!

Congratulations to Ashwin Iyer.  He was selected as a Student Page for the MD General Assembly! 



See what’s happening with CHS PTSA or CHS Boosters by clicking the names or by visiting our website.


Looking for Volunteers for Staff Dinner During Conferences

The PTSA Staff Appreciation Committee will be hosting a Soup and Sandwich Dinner for the teachers who are holding Parent/Teacher Conferences at CHS on Monday, November 25, 2019.  We are asking Volunteers to provide soup and cupcakes. (PTSA will provide sandwiches, fruit, and drinks).  In addition, we will need a couple volunteers to help with set-up, serving and clean-up. To sign up, go to this link. For questions, please contact Eileen Singleton (eileenmgs@gmail.com).

Thank you from CHS PTSA Staff Appreciation Committee


Community News

Please visit the Community News and Programs page on the HCPSS website for announcements of upcoming events and programs sponsored by non-profit organizations (http://www.hcpss.org/community-news-and-programs/).


EMMS Bookfair @ Barnes & Noble on December 11th (9am-10pm)

What an AMAZING opportunity for The Mill. Click HERE to download the voucher. The Mill will receive a percentage of all store sales from 9am-10pm on December 11th. EMMS Staff will be present after 3:30pm. Elliott our mascot will be there after 3:30pm and will be available for photos. EMMS is working on having student performers, a gift wrap table and of course we will be selling our 80th Anniversary Community Tees.


EMMS will also receive a percentage of all ONLINE sales from ANY location between December 11th and December 15th, so please share the following with as many folks as you can.

We are looking for volunteers to help us, if you might be interested, please click here for the signup genius link. Click HERE for more details. We would also love for everyone to SPREAD THE WORD.