January 17, 2020
Student Parking
At this time, we have issued all student parking passes for this school year. There are no additional spaces for students for the remainder of the year. If you student would like to put their name on a waiting list, they can stop by the front office.
Harlem Lacrosse - Equipment donation
Got any lacrosse equipment you aren’t using anymore? Consider donating it to Harlem Lacrosse, a non-profit that works with at-risk youth in Baltimore City. They will be collecting any boys or girls lacrosse equipment at the front of Centennial High School on January 18 from 10:00am to 4:00pm. If you
cannot come on the day of the drive or in the event of inclement weather, please contact Connor Carpenter (connorcarpenter25@comcast.net) to make other arrangements.
FBLA World of Opportunity
We are looking for judges for our FBLA Regional Conference next weekend. FBLA World of Opportunity is being held on Saturday, January 18, 2020 at 8am at the Howard County Regional Conference at the Applications and Research Lab, 10920 Clarksville Pike, Ellicott City MD 21043
We are extremely short on FBLA judges. Specifically in these areas:
Business Ethics
Emerging Business Issues
Impromptu Speaking and Public Speaking
Sales Presentation and Public Speaking
Publication Design
Business Presentation
Please use this link to volunteer: https://forms.gle/2QSQn2xYo8g7iVSW8
Student Food Delivery Policy
We are getting a number of fast food deliveries for students during the day. The deliveries are coming both directly from restaurants like a pizza delivery and from independent companies like DoorDash, Uber Eats, etc. You are welcome to bring your student lunch and drop it off in the front office, but please refrain from having outside companies deliver food to your student. We cannot accept these deliveries, and we will not call students from class to retrieve or pay for them. Please ensure you share this information with your student. Thank you for your help!
Course Registration Dates
Students received course registration information on January 8th – Parents will receive an email with information on Online Course Registration January 8th – January 17th. Parents and students enter course requests in Synergy January 17th. Last day to submit Course Placement Review (waiver) forms through Synergy January 28 to February 12th – Counselors will meet with each student to review course requests. CHS 2020-2021 Course Registration - Frequently Asked Questions.
Yearbooks on Sale
You know what makes for a great holiday gift? A yearbook.
It is the gift of memories. It is the gift that will be treasured.
Yearbooks on sale now. Buy now, save now, enjoy forever!
Last year we completely sold out, so secure your copy today! Yearbooks make for great holiday gifts, and we are currently offering the book at a discounted rate. Buy early, save money, preserve the memories! Click on link for more information.
AP Exams - Registration Update
Late registration will begin on 11/16 and end on 3/13 and cost an additional $40 per exam ($134). NO REGISTRATIONS CAN BE ACCEPTED AFTER March 13th. Step-by-step directions and more details are included in the link below or can be found on the CHS website under Academics. Contact Andrea Covington with questions and concerns acovington@hcpss.org .Students who receive Free and Reduced Meals (FARMs) qualify for AP exam fee reductions.
See what’s happening at CHS! (and add our Google Calendar to your phone!)
Got great news about our students, staff, or community? Send it our way and we’ll shout it out!
Jocelyn Choo has been invited to proceed to the USA Climbing Youth Bouldering Divisional Championship this weekend. The USA Climbing is composed of 8 Divisions & 16 Regions. The two 10 competitors in each gender/category proceed from Youth Regional Championships to Youth Divisional Championships. Then the top 6 competitors from Youth Divisional Championships proceed to Youth National Championships. Good luck Jocelyn!
See what’s happening with CHS PTSA or CHS Boosters by clicking the names or by visiting our website.
Please visit the Community News and Programs page on the HCPSS website for announcements of upcoming events and programs sponsored by non-profit organizations (http://www.hcpss.org/community-news-and-programs/).
Childhood Memories of the Holocaust - A Cantata
We Will Never Be Bullied Again. Don't miss this musical performance commemorating the 75th Anniversary of the Liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau. This event if sponsored by Calvin Ball's Office and Directed by Toby Orenstein and includes performances by some of our very own CHS students. Monday, January 27th, at 6:30 pm at the Oakland Mills Meeting House, 8558 Robert Oliver Pl, Columbia. Admission is free and it is open to the public.
Leadership U Class 2020
Is your student looking to build his/her confidence, strengthen their leadership, and problem solving skills, and learn how to network? Does he or she want to make a difference in our Howard County community? Consider joining the Leadership U Class of 2020! Leadership U is an exciting, experiential leadership, teambuilding, and community service opportunity for current high school sophomores. This unique four-month program involves a week-long summer program of hands-on activities, as well as involvement in a team community service project. This program is for students with leadership potential, a desire to learn with others, and for those with an interest in the community. Come to learn more and speak to some of our grads at one of our information sessions being conducted at the Howard County Library System: March 1 at HCLS-Miller Branch from 3-4pm. Both parents and students are highly encouraged to attend. Additional information is available at http://www.leadershiphc.org/leadership-u-2/ or email Meg Ignacio mignacio@leadershiphc.org. Applications are due March 12, 2020.
US Selective Service System
The U.S. Selective Service System and U.S. Department of Education has asked us to remind male students who are or about to turn 18 that they are required to register for selective service. They may register beginning 30 days prior to their 18th birthday and extending 30 days thereafter. Late registration is accepted up to the 26th birthday. Failure to register prior to reaching age 26 may result in unfortunate life consequences, including ineligibility for employment by the federal government, ineligibility to receive federal aid, ineligibility for security clearances, and more. Registration can be completed online at www.sss.gov, or by completing a hard copy of the Selective Service System registration form available at any U.S. Post Office, or available for downloading from the Selective Service System website.
SAVE THE DATE - MLK Jr. Day of Service
The sixth annual MLK Jr. Day of Service will be held on Monday, January 20, 2020 from 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM at Glen Mar Church at 4701 New Cut Road, Ellicott City, MD 21043. A wide range of family-friendly short-term service activities will be provided for ages 5 to 105. The Day of Service offers families and friends, the opportunity to serve together and make a positive difference in our communities. Free childcare for ages up to 4 years old will be offered from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM. The event is free and open to the public. Student Service hours forms are available. For further information, visit us at http://glenmarumc.org/gmcevents/dayofservice/ or partnership opportunities, email us at dayofservice@glenmarumc.org