Summer Update #3 - August 12, 2020

You are now able to see what your course requests currently are in Synergy! Log on to and click ‘Course Requests’ on the left-hand navigation pane. This will take you to the list of courses that are currently being scheduled for the CHS student selected. This is a 'view only' opportunity for students currently enrolled at CHS. The list may look a little different from what you recall based on course availability as well as the other factors I wrote to you about on July 31 (posted here - in case you missed it). If you see something amiss in the courses that are listed, you will need to do one of the the two following things: (1) to adjust elective courses, submit the online CHS Request to Adjust Alternate Course Selection 20/21 form; (2) to modify a course level, email your counselor.  If everything looks correct, there is nothing further you need to do. You will have access to view this information through Monday, August 17th. After that, the ability to view these courses will be turned off again.


Our school counselors will be working for the next week or so to ensure that all students are fully scheduled. At some point in the near future (exact date yet to be determined by the central office), you will receive an email that lists the courses that have actually been scheduled for each student for the new school year. If you notice a course is missing from that list or there is some other pressing issue, please reach out to the assigned counselor via email ASAP. Our staff will prioritize addressing the needs of students with incomplete schedules first. Please be reminded that we may not be able to accommodate all requests for course adjustments. Examples of limiting factors include availability of seats, time table of courses, A/B day designations for courses and students, as well as prerequisite requirements.


Questions should be directed, via email, to assigned counselors:


A - Co             Mrs.  McKechnie

Cp - H              Mr. Todd Kriner

I - Mc               Mrs.  Hebler      

Md - Sg           Mr. Sanders        

Sh - Z               Mrs. Khaksari    


While you’re logged on to HCPSS Connect, you might as well update your Family File. You know, mash two potatoes with one fork!