Centennial Community:
I'd like to start by thanking you for your support and patience. The stress of making adjustments and departures from the norm is felt by all of us and we empathize. Today I have a few notes to share in preparation for the start of our school year.
Before we get down to business, I want to acknowledge the amazing work our counselors are doing. As a result of the shift from our traditional seven period day to a semesterized 4x4 model, the entire master timetable and student schedules had to be recreated from scratch. This may not sound like such a big deal until you consider the fact that what typically takes from February to May is being done in mere weeks. While others are taking vacations, our counselors have had to forgo theirs and work nights and weekends to get us where we are today. We know you may be frustrated that what you have seen doesn’t reflect what had been worked on through June. Believe me, we’re frustrated too! That was a lot of work down the drain. But we will not be daunted! This crew has embodied the definition of ‘above and beyond’ and we are grateful for their determination to put the needs of our students above their own.
Book Collection
We held a collection event for all underclassmen yesterday. We understand many of you were on vacation and were not able to bring your books and materials to us. Thanks for letting us know! Next week, you will be able to drive by and drop materials at the front door every day of the week. Collection vessels (aka big gray trash cans on wheels) will be placed at the entrance. Please drop your books together with a completed Materials Collection Form in the containers. The materials have to be quarantined for four days before we can begin to sort them for redistribution. So, the sooner you can bring your things back, the sooner we can hold a pickup day for texts and supplies your students will need for the fall semester.
We are hoping to begin distributing materials on September 16th. We are also considering adding a Saturday morning to help families with daytime work obligations. Stay tuned for more information. We will share it with you as soon as we have the details nailed down.
Technology Requests
As previously announced, HCPSS is able to purchase a sufficient amount of devices necessary to eventually achieve a 1:1 student-to-device ratio for all students in grades pre-K through 12. Due to vendor delays, order fulfillment will not arrive as expected and HCPSS is adjusting its device distribution plan.
In addition to Chromebooks, any family without access to the internet should notify the school system using the directions below. HCPSS is working with the Bright Minds Foundation and Comcast to support families who may be eligible to participate in the Comcast Internet Essentials program. Additionally, HCPSS will prioritize distribution of a limited number of hot spots to families who cannot obtain access to the internet.
To identify your need for a Chromebook or internet:
- Parents/guardians should log in to HCPSS Connect.
- From the left menu, last choice, select “More Options” then choose “Student Technology” from the center of the screen.
- On the HCPSS Student Technology screen, use the drop down arrows to indicate the Technology Requested for each student. Changes are saved immediately.
- If a device has already been issued, it will appear in the inventory list. If a student already has a device issued, a new request will not be processed.
- Families will receive a confirmation email with necessary information, including pickup location, date and time.
Athletics Practices
Please be reiminded that fall athletics have been postponed (https://www.mpssaa.org/mpssaa-fall-and-winter-competition-seasons-postponed/). Therefore, there are no school sponsored gatherings or practices: official or otherwise. It is the position of the state and the school system that these activities can not be safely engaged in. We are aware that a number of our students are participating in community clubs and arranging their own practices. We strongly urge you to practice safe physical distancing and to avoid close contact (distances closer than 6ft for time periods longer than 15 minutes) with others. If you have questions or concerns about your student and their participation in activities, please do not hesitate to reach out to our Athletics and Activity Manager, jeannie_prevosto@hcpss.org.
Student Course Lists
Later today you will receive an email that includes the courses that have been scheduled for each student. Here’s what you need to know about the list:
- This list of classes represents what has been scheduled for the new school year. The courses are not in period or semester order. It is simply a list, NOT a schedule (you’ll get that later).
- Review the list carefully: you should be scheduled for 8 credits (each half credit course needs a partner).
- Release time for HCC, employment, or other approved reasons may not appear on your list. In this case, make sure the number of credits scheduled includes space for release time credits.
- Counselors will do their best to make change requests. Be aware changes are not always possible. If you did not get your first choice you probably have a conflict with another class.
- Priority will be given to seniors who need a class for graduation, students who are not fully scheduled, and students who have a course on their list for which they have already earned credit.
- Preference changes will be made last and will be granted based on order of requests and availability.
- In order to ensure the best chances for a schedule change you need to contact your counselor ASAP.
- We know some of you think you saw your schedule by using a backdoor in Canvas accessed through your calendars. Don’t get attached to that information. It was not shared because it is not accurate. Schedule changes and balancing of classes is still taking place and that will result in changes.
- Counselors are working as hard as they can to meet your needs. However, due to the high volume of requests you may not hear back from them within 48 hours. Please be patient.
- If you have already emailed your counselor or submitted an adjustment using the form we sent out last week, PLEASE do not email them again. Their inboxes are flooded. Multiple requests slows down their ability to chip away at the to-do lists. If they have to stop to read repeated requests, that is time they are not spending actually making the changes needed.
Wishing you well,
Cindy Dillon