Course Registration for 2022-2023 School Year

Registration for the 2022-2023 is underway.  There are some important pieces of information we want to share with students and families.  Please read below for detailed information about the process.

Scheduling Meetings

· All students will meet one on one with their counselor to review their course requests and get answers to individual questions between January 18th and February 10th during all English classes.

All students must enter SEVEN course requests and THREE alternate courses into Synergy by January 18th

· Regardless of plans to take classes at HCC or to explore work releaseevery student must enter 7 core course requests and an additional 3 alternate courses.

· While students must have course requests entered by 1/18/2022, changes can (and will) be made during your appointment with your School Counselor. 

· How to enter course requests.

· For the digital 2022-2023 HCPSS Course Catalog 


ARL Career Academies (rising 11th graders)


· Any student interested in participating in an ARL Career Academy must register for the academy during the registration period.  

· Selection into ARL is random assignment, and not based on GPA (few course pre-requisites apply…see course catalog for more details)


Changing Teacher Recommendations

· Parents/guardians, if you have concerns or disagree with any of the course recommendations, please contact your child’s teacher

· If you are still not satisfied with the recommendation, parents/guardians can complete the Course Placement Review Form online through their HCPSS Connect (parent) account to make the change.

· Please follow the instructions in the Course Placement Review Form Entry Guide  to assist you with completing this form.

Thank you for reading and following the steps in the registration process.

Videos to help with process:

How to submit a CPR 

Opportunities within High School 

Course Registration Directions 

Full Video:  Rising 10-12th Graders Registration Process