AP Exams

AP exams begin on Monday May 2nd.  An email confirmation will be sent to the email you used to register in the AP Classroom.  It is your responsibility to check it for accuracy.

Students are to arrive at 7:30am for the morning exam and 11:30am for the afternoon exam.  Your confirmation will tell you the specific location of your exam.  Not all students test at the same location or the same room so please check your confirmation for that information.

Students taking exams are automatically excused from school the entire day.  It is your responsibility to secure transportation to and from the testing location.  Students that ride a bus to school have enough time to arrive at CHS and then walk to the testing center (Church at Covenant Park 4550 Centennial Lane). 

Lastly, students must have with them on test day some form of a photo ID.  Students without an ID will not be allowed to test. 

If you have any questions or concerns prior to testing please contact Mrs. Covington at 443-255-3041 or acovington@hcpss.org