New Student Orientation 8/25/22 @ 8 AM

We look forward to welcoming rising freshmen, students new to CHS, and parents/guardians to our Orientation Event on Thursday, August 25th at 8am. Adults will spend their time in the auditorium, and students will go to brief orientation presentations, school tours, and a club fair. Orientation for 9th graders will start at 8am in the cafeteria. Students new to CHS will report to Student Services. Students will have an opportunity to visit their classrooms before going to the stadium at 10am for our class panoramic photos. You are invited afterwards to purchase a snack from the Booster Indoor Concession stand on your way to learn more about our various clubs at the club fair and mini-interest meetings. We look forward to seeing you then!

Parent Presentation Slide Deck - coming soon!

CHS Interactive Map: To use the map, enter the room number you will be starting at, then the room number you want to travel to, and click ‘Directions’. The map will draw a line for you indicating the best path to follow to get to your destination. You will need to repeat this process for each class change (ie., Pd 1-Pd 2, Pd 2-Pd 3, etc.). While you will be able ot use the map in real time while you are at the building, you will need to login to our network as a guest - there are a lot of ‘dead’ spots in our building that make using your cell service unreliable.