Welcome to the 2022-23 School Year

August 2022

Dear Centennial High School Community,

Friends, words cannot express the level of excitement we are feeling about opening our doors for a new school year. We long for our Eagles to find their way back to our nest – those who are flying in for the first time and those who have traveled our halls before. We want them back so we can continue to work, live, and learn together.

As we prepare to return to an educational environment that is normalized, there is a list of routine information to share. The pandemic challenged us to reimagine how we do things. To reexamine and innovate. We haven’t finished evolving; we are continuing to grow because we are committed to doing all we can to ensure a future generation that is healthy, hearty, and whole. The pandemic has taught us many ways we can contribute to ensuring a safer learning environment for all and to cherish the moments we have in front of us. We are ready to get back to it!

Last week, we sent each student a postcard through the US Postal Service (aka ‘snail mail’). If you haven’t found one of these in your mailbox, there’s something wrong with your address in Synergy. Please be prepared to provide updated proof of residency when our registrars reach out to you. All guardians need to visit https://www.hcpss.org/connect/ to update the Family File for each student – this is an annual task for everyone.

We want to affirm our commitment to continue our work on cultivating a community where uniqueness is embraced, differences are celebrated, and collaboration is cultivated. This year, we are going to engage in a year-long study on race, diversity, and inclusion. We will be using a program called ‘Race to be Human’. Students will work in small groups to view materials and have discussions about our vision for the Centennial Community and the larger social context. Parents will be invited to join a series of workshops to engage in the learning during the fall semester so we can be partners in this important work. Look for more information about parent screenings and discussion workshops to be sent out in mid-September. We want CHS to be a home away from home for our students, our staff, and our families. We invite you to engage, collaborate, and come along with us as we work to realize that vision and strengthen our school community.

Looking forward to welcoming each of you back to our nest this fall,

Cindy Dillon, Principal


SAVE THE DATE: (Join our Google Calendar!)

Aug 10        Fall Sports Begin

Aug 23        Fall Athlete Orientation, 1:30 p.m. for students; 6:00 p.m. for parents

Aug 25        New Student Orientation / New Student Family Meeting, 8:00 a.m. 

Aug 25        Back to School Night, 6:00 p.m.

Aug 29        First Day of School, 7:25 a.m. 

Sep 5          Labor Day, Schools and Offices Closed

Sep 20        Parent Workshop #1 of 3: Race to be Human, 7:00 p.m. 

Sep 26        Rosh Hashanah, Schools and Offices Closed

Oct 3          SPIRIT WEEK

Oct 5          Yom Kippur, Schools and Offices Closed       

Oct 7          Pep Rally/Homecoming Football Game, 7:00 p.m.

Oct 8          Pancake Breakfast / Boy’s Varsity Soccer / Homecoming Dance 

Oct 12        PSAT Day

Oct 18        Parent Parent Workshop #2 of 3: Race to be Human, 7:00 p.m. 

Oct 21        Professional Work Day, Schools Closed for Students

Oct 24        Professional Learning Day, Schools Closed for Students

Oct 28        Fall Flu Clinic




All families must update their emergency contact information annually. While we recognize many of you may not have any changes to make, you must click through all of the screens and click submit in order to have this task completed. Some decisions require annual permission, such as permission to photograph your student, for example (this one is pretty important if you want your student to appear in the yearbook or in team/activity postings). We’d like Centennial to be the first high school to have 100% of the Family File information to be fully updated, so visit HCPSS Connect today and click submit on the final screen!

Common Roadblocks to Successfully Updating the Family File:

  • You can now reset your password with or without a security Q&A. So, if you've tried to update and hit a roadblock, please try again.
  • If you are having trouble remembering your username (which is the full email address for an adult responsible for the student account), call or email us and we'll let you know what you should be using to access the initial time. Please note: You can not complete this task using the student login/account. It can only be completed via a guardian account.
  • Families new to HCPSS should receive an authorization key in your email. Follow those instructions.
  • If you've requested a reset, and haven't received an email, we need you to check your junk or SPAM folders. That seems to be where a bunch of those things are ending up. If you still don't have it, give us a call.



Students will have access to review their scheduled courses in Synergy beginning August 12th. We strongly encourage each student to review their courses for accuracy. All students should be scheduled for seven (7) credits. Total credit count also includes college courses, work release time, and seniors who are aiding.

All students have had the opportunity to review course selections with their counselors on several occasions since January, so there should be very few requests for adjustments. Students with the following issues will have their requests considered: course list has fewer than 7 credits; course list includes a class that has already been taken; or, seniors who are missing a graduation requirement.

Bear in mind that staffing and scheduling decisions were made in February based on initial student requests. Therefore, it may not be possible to honor all requests as master schedule and class size limitations may be prohibitive. Students should be prepared to take the courses that have been scheduled if your request does not fit one of the reasons outlined above.

After reviewing your course list, if you determine there is a need for an adjustment based upon the three criteria listed above, email your assigned school counselor. The email must include: the full student name as it appears in Synergy, grade level, phone number, course to drop, course to add, and the reason for the request. Any changes to recommended course placements must include a “Course Placement Review” form. All requests for schedule changes must be made by August 24, 2022, to ensure review and adjustments prior to the first day of school. No elective schedule changes will be made after August 29, 2022. DO NOT email your counselor more than one time and exercise patience as they work to respond to your message. Counselors will respond to email in the order they are received. Sending multiple messages will only result in a delayed response to you and to others. 

Questions about schedules should be directed to Student Services: 410-313-2857.


To help remove technology barriers and advance equitable student learning outcomes, HCPSS has moved to a 1:1 student-to-device ratio. All students have or will be provided with a Chromebook. These devices are required for all county and state testing and assessments. HCPSS Technology and Devices information 

Students who do not currently have an HCPSS issued device should report to the Media Center to have one assigned on Monday, August 29. 



We look forward to welcoming all freshman and transfer students along with their parents to our orientation event on Thursday, August 25th starting at 8am. Parents will spend their time in the auditorium, and students will attend a brief orientation presentation, tour the building, visit classes, and learn about student organizations and clubs.

Orientation for 9th graders will start at 8 a.m. near the cafeteria. Everyone will have an opportunity to visit their classrooms before going to the stadium at 10:45 a.m. for our class panoramic photos.  



The official school hours for Centennial High School for the 2022-2023 school year, as set by the HCPSS Board of Education, will be 7:25 a.m. to 2:10 p.m. Bus schedules will be available online. We hope that we will not have double bus runs this year, but we do not control that. Keep your fingers crossed!

We believe that the safest way for students who do not drive themselves to get to school is by accessing the transportation provided. However, we do understand that there may be occasions when it is necessary to drive your student to school. When that happens, please follow the procedures listed below to help ensure the safety of all students during school arrival time.

Students who must be driven to school are to be dropped off either on the sidewalk next to Burleigh Manor or at the auditorium entrance at the side of the building following the established traffic pattern. Drivers are NOT to use the parking aisles to drop off students. 

Students may NOT be dropped off along Centennial Lane. Parents are to refrain from making U-turns on Centennial Lane as it impedes traffic and contributes to unsafe conditions for students and drivers.

Students who are driving themselves to school are encouraged to arrive early to avoid being tardy. Traffic jams occur daily during the morning rush along Centennial Lane. We very much appreciate your partnership to ensure our commitment to student safety.



Permission for students to drive and park vehicles on school system property is a privilege. Parking spaces for students at Centennial High School are very limited. Accordingly, in order to be granted this privilege, applications for parking permits will be issued on a first-come, first-served basis in priority order: 1) Seniors; 2) Students enrolled in Work Study/Intern Mentor Programs; and, 3) Juniors.

 Permits will be issued in this order through the end of the third week of school. Beginning September 20th, remaining permits will be issued in the order applications are received. Permits will not be reserved for students who do not yet have a valid Maryland Driver's License. Students ARE NOT required by the school system to attend a ‘Safe Driving’ presentation this school year.

To apply for your permit:

  • Login to HCPSS.me.
  • Complete the application packet and save as a pdf.
  • Take a photo of your driver’s license.
  • Follow this link to submit the online application. The information collected through the online application is required by HCPSS.
  • Your submission will be reviewed and you will be notified via email once it is accepted.

For questions about applying for a parking permit at CHS please contact marie_dow@hcpss.org.





Outstanding Financial Obligations:  If you spent part of your summer vacation cleaning your room and you found some CHS Textbooks or Media materials, you should bring them into school as soon as you get a chance. Any fines that were previously paid will be refunded in full. Because students with outstanding obligations may be denied the opportunity to participate in school events such as homecoming and attending sport events, and may not be issued replacement technology, students should contact the Front Office as soon as possible to clear obligations.



Students who require medication to be administered during the school day need to have new forms (dated on or after July 1st) completed for this fall.  For your convenience, you can find these forms on-line at the HCPSS website by clicking on the link for Physician’s Orders https://www.hcpss.org/about-us/forms/


BACK-TO-SCHOOL NIGHT - Thursday, August 25th, 6:00 – 8:00 PM. 

Our annual Back-to-School event will be held in person on Thursday, August 25th. Parents will begin by reporting directly to the students period 1 class. Prior to the event, we request that parents watch an informational video - created for you in lieu of a large gathering in the auditorium - and ask their students to assist in locating classrooms using the CHS Interactive Map. To use the map, enter the room number you will be starting in and then the room number you want to travel to and click ‘Directions’. The map will draw a line for you indicating the best path to follow to get to your destination. You can use the map while you are at the building but you will need to login to our network as a guest - there are a lot of ‘dead’ spots in our building.

It is suggested parents and guardians who will be driving to BTSN arrange carpools and plan to arrive early. We ask that you support our efforts to reduce the impact of our event on our school neighborhood by following these suggestions.  Please do not park on the road or in our neighbors’ driveways.

A complete schedule can be found in the CHS Student Community in the Student Handbook under ‘Back to School Night.’ Links to the video and the Back-to-School night schedule will be emailed to you and posted on our website in mid-August. 



In order to ensure the safety of all students and staff, all visitors must press the buzzer located to the right of the main entry doors to be admitted to our building.  When we greet you, please provide us with your name and the reason for your visit.  For example: 'I'm Mrs. Dillon and I'm picking up my daughter, Cindy, for early dismissal.' -or- 'I'm Mrs. Somerville and my son, John, forgot his lunch - again.' ...you get the idea.  We will buzz you right in and direct you to report to either the main office, student services, or the health room, as indicated. 

As a gentle reminder, please remember to bring in a valid form of identification (e.g. Drivers License) if you are picking up one of our students.  It's also a good idea to double check your Emergency Procedure information to ensure the list of individuals authorized to pick up your student during the school day is up to date.



Masks are no longer required by the HCPSS. However, any individual may elect to wear a mask and can do so without concern. Masks are encouraged to be worn by people who are not feeling 100%. We do have a supply of masks in our front office.  



Lockers are available to all students throughout the school year.

Students in all grades may stop by the table outside of the cafeteria to request a locker during lunch shifts throughout the first week of school: Monday, August 29 – Friday, September 2. After September 2, students may come to the front office before the school day begins, during their lunch shifts, or during Eagle Time to request a locker assignment.



Please follow these procedures to report an absence:

Absence notes and tardy notes for excused absences are to be emailed to CHSabsence@hcpss.org. Students who bring in physical notes may drop them off in the front office before the start of the school day. 

Discretionary absence requests must be completed and attached through email in advance of the absence. The last possible day of school for the 22/23 SY is June 21st. If there are any make-up days added to the end of the year, we need you to be available to take exams on any day from June 7-21st. Any requests for Discretionary Absences during that window of time will not be approved. Likewise, Discretionary Absences will not be granted during the week of January 16th, mid-term exam week. For questions about attendance, please reach out to our Attendance Secretary, Diane Howse at diane_howse@hcpss.org.