School Year 2023-2024 Course Registration information
Course registration for the school year 2023-2024 is due on January 17th, 2023.
Currently enrolled in Grades 9-11
The Course Registration process for next school year is now open. Students were given information on registration in the school’s auditorium on December 21, 2022. This process will be completed online through HCPSS Connect. All students must choose 7 credit courses and 3 alternate courses. We know many students are considering additional opportunities for the upcoming school year (Intern/Mentor GT, Jumpstart/Dual Enrollment, Work Release, etc.). Those conversations will occur after students have completed this step in the course registration process. Course Registration must be completed by January 17th. Student directions to enter course requests
Important Reminders:
- The course selection window closes on January 17th
- Students must select seven (7) total credit classes, plus three (3) alternate courses
- The alternative courses should be listed in order of priority and not duplicated
- Requests for courses at the ARL are due by February 9, 2023
Please note the importance of the 3 alternate courses. Students are able to request any course that is in the HCPSS course catalog. Course offerings depend solely on student interest and qualified staff available to teach the courses. We want to make sure that you have serious alternates in case one of your main selections does not run next school year or in case of limited spacing. Please list your 3 alternates in priority order and do not duplicate any of your requests.
New Graduation Requirement:
Health 2 HE-920-8 This course is a graduation requirement for students entering grade 9 in 2021-22 school year or later.
The presentation that students viewed on 12/21 is linked here as both a powerpoint and screen cast (also found on Canvas - CHS Student Resources):
High School Course Registration Presentation 2023-2024
High School Course Registration Screencast 2023-2024
Finding the best fit:
Things to Think About When Selecting Courses for 2023-2024
We always encourage students to challenge themselves with Honors, GT, and AP courses where appropriate. However, students should be aware that any AP level class is a college-level course, and very rigorous. Students need to make deliberate decisions about how many GT/AP classes to take each year, as well as how much work they can handle. Students should strive to create balance in order to reduce stress, while still choosing an academically rigorous schedule.
Students and families should consider the time demands of academics, in-school and out-of-school extra-curricular activities, part-time jobs, and family demands when determining course selections and deciding on an appropriate balance of classes. For a complete list of courses and descriptions, please reference the HCPSS Catalog of Approved Courses.
Grade 9-12 Course Options List for 2023-2024 (By course name and number)
- 2023-2024 Grade 9 Course Options
- 2023-2024 Grade 10 Course Options
- 2023-2024 Grade 11 Course Options
- 2023-2024 Grade 12 Course Options
Counselor Meetings
All current 9th – 11th grade students will meet one on one with their counselor to review their course requests and to discuss the additional opportunities mentioned above (Intern/Mentor GT, Jumpstart/Dual Enrollment, Work Release, etc). These meetings will take place between January 24th to February 10th through English class. Students do not need to request these appointments, they are already scheduled to occur. During these meetings, counselors will be reviewing course selections, recommendations, and any future plans.
Teacher Recommendations
If you have concerns or questions about any course recommendations, don't hesitate to contact your student's teacher. If you are still not satisfied with the recommendation, you may complete the Course Placement Review Form online through the parent HCPSS Connect account.
Schedule Change Process for Next Year
We will be using the same process for schedule change requests as we did this year. In order to provide a variety of course offerings, balanced class sizes, and the best opportunities for our students, schedule changes are not always possible once the school year starts. It is important that students and parents register for the most appropriate courses the first time around. Please make sure you are happy with and want to take all of the courses that you choose. In addition, changes based on teacher requests and/or period requests will not be considered.
Additional Resources:
ARL - Applied Research Laboratory: Introduction, Career Academies JumpStart the HCPSS and Howard Community College partnership where students can gain college credit, explore possible careers or earn an associate degree. Some courses even qualify for high school credit. Apprenticeship Maryland a graduation pathway for seniors, who are interested in employment and further education based on a career pathway in manufacturing, Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) industries.
CHS Student Services:
If you wish to speak to your/ your child’s counselor, you may contact them at:
Ms. Tracey Jones A-C
Mr. Todd Kriner D-Ja
Ms. JaeHi Hebler Jb-Ma
Mr. Chris Sanders Mb-Sg
Ms. Irene Khaksari Sh-Z