The Centennial High School PTSA is recruiting for Officers for 2022-2023 school year. Consider to take a CHS PTSA BOARD POSITION and be a part of the exciting changes to help our CHS Community!!
OPEN EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE OFFICER POSITIONS for 2022-2023 SCHOOL YEAR: President, Vice President – Programs, Vice President – Membership.
OPEN BOARD OF DIRECTOR POSITIONS: Communications Chair, Fundraising Chair, PTACHC Delegate, etc.
OTHER COMMITTEE OPEN POSITIONS: After Prom, Membership, Eagle’s Eye Newsletter, KAPA (Korean American Parent Assoc.), LAC (Latin American Council), Clothing to Cash, Pancake Breakfast, Amazon Smile, Student Directory, PTA Reflections, SAT/ACT PREP, etc.
CHS PTSA NEEDS YOU!! Contact CHS-PTSA to learn how you can help!!