Get Your Tickets to CHS Late Night

GET YOUR TICKETS TO CHS LATE NIGHT. Mar. 30, 31 & Apr. 20, 21, 24, 25.  ALL Lunch Shifts.
CHS Late Night (the Centennial After Prom Party) will be held April 29-30, 2017 from 11:00 PM to 2:30 AM at The Mall in Columbia. Don’t miss this great event loaded with food, fun, entertainment, and prizes! In order to purchase a ticket ($15) to attend CHS Late Night, there are forms that need to be signed by BOTH the student and a parent/guardian. These forms are available NOW at the Prom Ticket Sales table and also on the CHS PTSA website (  PLEASE NOTE:  All CHS Juniors and Seniors may attend CHS Late Night even if they did not attend prom.  All approved prom dates of CHS Seniors and Juniors may also attend CHS Late Night, provided they attended prom.
CONTACT: Michelle Berry (