PARCC & HSA Testing Schedule

Just a reminder that PARCC testing will begin here at CHS on Monday April 24th

PARCC Testing:
4/24-4/26 (Mon-Wed): English10
5/10-5/12 (Wed-Fri): Algebra 2-(all)/Geometry-(11th graders only)
5/30-5/31 (Tues-Wed): Algebra 1

HSA Testing:
5/24 (Wed.): Government
5/25 (Thurs.): Biology

PARCC and HSA are state-mandated assessments; therefore attendance is mandatory. Please ensure that your student is well-rested the night before and that he or she eats a healthy breakfast. The AM session will begin promptly at 7:25am so please remind your student that he or she must be in the assigned testing location by 7:25am. Late students can not be admitted to testing once the assessment starts. 

* These are state-mandated tests. Please make sure your student is in school these days and on time. Thank you.