December 13, 2019
Centennial Community,
As the winter break approaches, I would like to send the warmest of wishes for a safe and happy holiday season on behalf of the staff of Centennial High School. We would like to thank each student, parent, and community member who has honored our staff with well wishes, kind words, and tokens of regard. Special thanks are extended to the ‘Cookie Crew’ who provided each staff member with a box of tasty treats. We are sincerely appreciative of your thoughtfulness and, more importantly, your support. This business of education is only possible with the help of our parent base. Thank you for all you do to support our school community.
Next week, we will not be sending out a full Friday newsletter. You can expect regular communication to resume in 2020.
Best to you and yours,
Cindy Dillon
Student Food Delivery Policy
We are getting a number of fast food deliveries for students during the day. The deliveries are coming both directly from restaurants like a pizza delivery and from independent companies like Door Dash, Uber Eats, etc. You are welcome to bring your student lunch and drop it off in the front office, but please refrain from having outside companies deliver food to your student. We cannot accept these deliveries, and we will not call students from class to retrieve or pay for them. Please ensure you share this information with your student. Thank you for your help!
CHS Dance Fundraiser
Please consider supporting the CHS Dance Program by hanging out and eating with your family and friends!
When you dine at Glory Days before December 15th, bring in your original itemized receipt to the collection box in the front office, and our dancers can get 10% of your purchase...it's really that easy!
Thanks in advance for your support.
Course Registration for the 2020-2021 School Year
We are beginning the course request and registration process for the 2020-2021 school year at Centennial High School. Please see the timeline below for information about this process. Parents and students will be entering course requests in the Synergy using the Student Synergy Account. Please reference the HCPSS Catalog of Approved Courses when making your selections. In addition, please be sure to review prerequisites of each course. New for this year, Course Placement Review forms will be submitted online through the Parent Synergy Account. Please make sure all Course Placement Review forms are submitted by January 17th.
Upcoming Parent Night:
We will be hosting a parent night for incoming 9th graders on January 8th at 6:30 pm to review this process and share more about the programs that we have to offer. Representatives from each academic area, JumpStart (CC), Student Services, ARL, and Special Education will be on hand. We would also like to welcome families new to Centennial.
January 8th – 6:30-8:30pm Incoming 9th Grader Parent Night – Scheduling and Program Information
Course Registration Dates:
January 8th – Students will receive course registration information during 3rd period January 8th – Parents will Receive an Email with Information on Online Course Registration January 8th – January 17th – Parents and Students Enter Course Requests in Synergy January 17th – Last day to submit Course Placement Review (waiver) forms through Synergy January 28 to February 12th – Counselors will meet with each student to review course requests
HOMEWOOD’S 16th Annual Recycled Treasure Sale
Homewood is holding its annual recycled treasure sale on Thursday, December 19. Donations are needed. Great gift wish list include, but no limited to, the following:
Charging Cords and Earbuds
Video Games & Electronics
Sporting Goods
Toys/Stuffed Animals
New Clothes, with tags
New Gloves and Socks, with tags
Holiday Themed Gifts
Fashion Jewelry
Lotions & Beauty Items
Ladies Scarves & Purses
Holiday Gift Bags and Tissue (all sizes)
Accepting donations from now until December 13. Any donation may be dropped off to Mrs. Taylor in Room 913.
Federal Impact Aid form
When completing your Family File, if you indicated that you work on federal property or are active duty military, your student will be receiving a form to be completed. Please return this form as soon as possible, but no later than December 21. If you did not receive the form and are either active duty military or work on federally owned property the form can be found here. All information collected is confidential and used only for the stated purpose of determining the amount of funding available to HCPSS. Forms are retained at the HCPSS Central Office for Impact Aid auditing.
Yearbooks on Sale
You know what makes for a great holiday gift? A yearbook.
It is the gift of memories. It is the gift that will be treasured.
Yearbooks on sale now. Buy now, save now, enjoy forever!
Last year we completely sold out, so secure your copy today! Yearbooks make for great holiday gifts, and we are currently offering the book at a discounted rate. Buy early, save money, preserve the memories! Click on link for more information.
AP Exams - Registration Update
Late registration will begin on 11/16 and end on 3/13 and cost an additional $40 per exam ($134). NO REGISTRATIONS CAN BE ACCEPTED AFTER March 13th. Step-by-step directions and more details are included in the link below or can be found on the CHS website under Academics. Contact Andrea Covington with questions and concerns acovington@hcpss.org .Students who receive Free and Reduced Meals (FARMs) qualify for AP exam fee reductions.
See what’s happening at CHS! (and add our Google Calendar to your phone!)
Got great news about our students, staff, or community? Send it our way and we’ll shout it out!
Congratulations to Centennial students Annie Bolenbaugh, Lauren Wagner, and Emily Xing! Their impressive and creative entries in the 2019 Reflections Arts Program have advanced to the county level competition. Good Luck!
On November 18th, 2019, Mary Samokhvalova, a junior at Centennial, presented her research at the Eastern Analytical Symposium (EAS) 2019 in Plainsboro, NJ. Her poster presentation was titled, "NewForensic Application of Smartphone: Facile Spectral Analysis of Fluorescent Security Threads of United States Banknotes". Submissions for the EAS went through a competitive selection and not all submissions were accepted for presentation. EAS is also a conference primarily for undergraduate and graduate students and industry professionals in analytical chemistry and allied sciences, so it was an honor for Mary to present. You can find Mary's poster #76 in the final program book on page 10 of the file (pg 8 in the program):http://easinc.org/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/EAS-Final-Program-2019-Web.pdf. The link to the EAS website is: http://easinc.org/wordpress/index.php. Congratulations Mary!
Congratulations to sophomore, Krystal Wu, on winning the Londontowne Symphony Orchestra's Young Artist Competition on November 10. As the winner, Krystal will perform Weber's Concertino Op.26 with the Londontowne Symphony Orchestra on the Rising Stars Concert on March 7, 2020. Krystal will also be receiving a $250 prize.
See what’s happening with CHS PTSA or CHS Boosters by clicking the names or by visiting our website.
Please visit the Community News and Programs page on the HCPSS website for announcements of upcoming events and programs sponsored by non-profit organizations (http://www.hcpss.org/community-news-and-programs/).
Baltimore Science Fair
The 65th Baltimore Science Fair (BSF) will be held on March 21st & 22nd, 2020 at Towson University. There will be an informational meeting about this and other STEM-related opportunities in Ms. Ireland's room (901) after school on Monday, December 16th. Please email me at tireland@hcpss.org if you have any questions prior to that date. Registration opens on January 1st, 2020, and we hope that many of you will consider this opportunity.
The BSF provides a wonderful experience to Middle and High School Students who are interested in science, math, computers and engineering. In addition to sending several students and their teachers on to the Intel International Science & Engineering Fair (ISEF), we present over 150 other awards to student exhibitors. We provide many cash awards ranging from $25- $500, college scholarships, internships opportunities, certificates of recognition from federal agencies, and awards from many professional organizations.
Their web site www.baltimoresciencefair.org is where you can find all of the information you need to know about the Fair.
Ellicott City Rotary Club
The Ellicott City Rotary Club is looking for CHS sophomores and juniors interested in developing leadership skills. We are offering a $360 scholarship to participate in RYLA, the Rotary Youth Leadership Award Weekend. Two students will be selected from your high school. Applications are attached and should be emailed to okonskitg@verizon.net by DECEMBER 20, 2019. Interviews may follow. Questions: Email: okonskitg@verizon.net.
This is a great opportunity to enhance your leadership skills while you have fun and meet new friends. Life long bonds are often made. You will grow, discover, improve your communication skills, and practice team building, while learning about community and worldwide service. Apply now!
District 7620 Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA)
CAMP is President's Day Weekend February 15-17, 2020
Camp Letts - Edgewater, Maryland
“Outdoor adventure on the Chesapeake Bay”
Go to: https://www.ryla7620.org/ to learn more
EMMS Bookfair @ Barnes & Noble on December 11th (9am-10pm)
What an AMAZING opportunity for The Mill. Click HERE to download the voucher. The Mill will receive a percentage of all store sales from 9am-10pm on December 11th. EMMS Staff will be present after 3:30pm. Elliott our mascot will be there after 3:30pm and will be available for photos. EMMS is working on having student performers, a gift wrap table and of course we will be selling our 80th Anniversary Community Tees.
EMMS will also receive a percentage of all ONLINE sales from ANY location between December 11th and December 15th, so please share the following with as many folks as you can.
We are looking for volunteers to help us, if you might be interested, please click here for the signup genius link. Click HERE for more details. We would also love for everyone to SPREAD THE WORD.