Eagle's Nest 6/26/20


June 26, 2020


From the Principal's Desk…


Today marks the last regular issue of the Eagles Nest for this school year. I want to thank each of you for your partnership in the education of our students. I appreciate you for your flexibility, understanding, and cooperation as we ventured into the uncharted waters of remote learning. We can’t do this job without your help and support and this year, in particular, your energy was the fuel that helped keep us all going. Before you get too far into your shutdown from all things school related - I know you are more than ready for that - there are a few topics I’d like to cover. 


Access to Canvas and Incomplete Grades: 

If your student needs to access something in a current Canvas course, they must do so by July 3. After that date, their classes will be closed and they will no longer have access. This includes access to the Student Community. 


Given the disruptive nature of the school closure, HCPSS is giving students multiple opportunities to convert 4th quarter Incomplete (I) grades into Passing (P) marks. Some students are already working with their teachers to address ‘I’ grades. Students who do not complete their Q4 requirements in collaboration with their teacher will have the opportunity to do so over the summer through the Innovative Pathways Summer Program. Students who do not have their grade converted to a ‘P’ by the end of July may not be eligible for fall sports and activities. Ultimately, any grading issues for Q4 of this school year have to be resolved by September 15th, 2020 in order to avoid loss of credit or course failure. If you have questions about individual grades, please reach out to the teacher and assigned school counselor as soon as possible.


Farewell to Faculty and the Senior Class:

This year, we not only had to deal with the fallout of a global pandemic, we also had to wrestle with the natural consequences of boundary adjustments and budgetary shortfalls. Reducing the number of bodies in our hallways and increasing class sizes means we have to lose some of our very valuable faculty members. Please help me in sending our thanks and appreciation to these folks for their years of service to our Centennial family as they move on to new assignments or transition to the next chapter of their lives:  Angela Alascia, Amy Archibald, Kelly Borowski, Megan Brennan, Alyssa Eller, Alyssa Houser, Robert Kennedy, Sydney Littmann, Ellen Mauser, David Phillips, Timothy Watson, Thomas Wheeler, and Rachel Wolford. 


To our seniors and their families, we extend our best wishes for continued success as you take the next steps into your life's journey. Our staff all agree it has been a pleasure to work with the Centennial HS Class of 2020. The circumstances of the day have resulted in a deep and indelible connection with you as we confronted and conquered the challenges of completing your senior year amid the complications wrought by COVID-19. As I said to you in my graduation speech, you are the spark we need in this dreary storm. You are the promise of warmth and the tide of hope we desperately need. You are amazing, caring, socially aware and selfless. We look forward to hearing about future accolades and accomplishments as we are certain there will be many. 


Always remember, no matter where your adventures take you, we want our former staff, students, and families alike to remember: Once an Eagle, always an Eagle! We will continue to value your contributions and we will be there for you if you need us.


School Updates and Email Addresses:

More than ever, I need you to be diligent about reading our emails throughout the summer as we will be sharing updates and developments regarding the upcoming year. I expect the first major news after the BOE meeting on July 9. We will also be sending any information regarding athletics and tryouts as those details unfold. I would strongly suggest you get your physicals completed in order to be ready should we be given the green light to begin a return to a brick and mortar school experience. Please contact Jeannie Prevosto, Athletics and Activities Manager, if you have any questions.


Each time we send a message to you we get back a report that tells us whether or not our correspondence went through. There are a number of accounts that bounce our messages back or block them. We strongly encourage you to visit your Synergy account (https://www.hcpss.org/connect/) and update your email addresses. This is particularly important for our graduating class as that is going to be the only way we will have to let you know about future ‘in-person’ events we hope to hold for you. 


Finally, on behalf of Mr. Rahnama, Dr. Scaltz, Mrs. Suber and the rest of our Centennial faculty and staff, we send you warm wishes for a safe, productive, and relaxing summer holiday. We hope to see you around, but if not, be on the lookout for messages and information as the future unfolds. 


Well wishes, 

Cindy Dillon


P.S. It may seem like it’s too soon to mention this, but some of you make plans far in advance. The last possible school day of the 2020-2021 school year is June 18, 2021. So, please make sure you re-book your beach rentals accordingly!






Centennial CyberPatriot

Do you want to have fun AND learn about cybersecurity? If so, you might be interested in joining Centennials CyberPatriot Club. We are a club that mainly meets during the summer months and have competitions during the start of the school year! You will use skills learned to secure and harden a multitude of Operating Systems(Linux, Windows, Cisco). All experience levels are welcome and there's no coding experience necessary! We will teach you everything you need to know to succeed. Aside from technical skills you will learn, you'll also gain soft skills like problem solving and critical thinking which are crucial in today's job market.  Joining CyberPatriot means joining a team of supportive and dedicated members that will help extend your coding skills, boost your college resume and make lifelong friends.  If you are interested, please sign up using the link below.  https://forms.gle/nc4XkR4NzLHZXaEi8  For more information regarding the club, please email:  CentennialCyberPatriot@gmail.com or  nancy_c_smith@hcpss.org


Attention Class of 2020

The Registrars will begin submitting Final Transcripts to the Institution indicated on your Senior Survey beginning June 23rd.  Please confirm receipt of your transcript with your Institution beginning the week of June 29.  Unofficial transcripts are currently visible to seniors and their parents in Synergy (Under Academic Info --> Student Report Cards --> Transcripts).   If you have any questions, contact the Registrars at cathy_aballo@hcpss.org and kimberly_tracy@hcpss.org.  Thank you.


National Honor Society application now available

The Centennial High School chapter of the National Honor Society is pleased to announce that the application for the SY 2020-21 is now available.  We are introducing a new application process this year to allow for an earlier review process and a longer, more fulfilling year for new members.  An introductory video and the application are available NOW on the CHS NHS website (www.chsnhs.org).  The deadline for submitting your application is September 1st at 11:59 PM.   Eligible applicants will demonstrate a strong service commitment to CHS and the broader community, as well as a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.40 (weighted) by the end of their sophomore year or junior year.


The National Honor Society is an organization that recognizes and encourages academic achievement while developing characteristics essential to citizens in a democracy through the pillars of scholarship, character, service, and leadership.  


If you have questions, please contact one of the CHS NHS faculty advisors, Mrs. Holzman (danielle_holzman@hcpss.org) or Mr. Riddler (david_riddler@hcpss.org), or the NHS student board (chsnhsboard@gmail.com).  Thank you and have a great summer!


MVA Information

School staff no longer need to complete the MVA forms while school is in a virtual setting. Attached the new Verification of Identity and/or School Attendance by Parent or Guardian MVA form that a Parent/Guardian may sign.  https://mva.maryland.gov/Documents/DL-300A.pdf


Apply to National English Honor Society Today!

Hi Eagles! The application to Centennial High School's National English Honor Society is now open. If you are interested and passionate about English, this is the Honor Society for you! All current Freshmen, Sophomores, or Juniors are welcome to apply. We are a service-based honor society that does a variety of events including tutoring, book reviews, magazine publications, and more. This is a great opportunity to showcase your English skills, boost your college resume, and join a family of loving students with a similar passion. To apply, you must have attended at least 2 semesters at CHS, have a 3.5 unweighted English GPA; 3.0 overall unweighted GPA, involvement in English Related Activities, and stellar writing ability. Please fill out this form: https://forms.gle/sg1MVDNUfc5GAE4h8 to apply to Centennial's NEHS today! This application will be available from today through Sunday, June 14th at 11:59 pm. Decisions will be announced on Thursday, June 18th.  If you have any questions, please reach out to Ms. Kelli McDonough (Kelli_McDonough@hcpss.org). Visit our website at https://nehseagles.weebly.com for more information!


Cross Country Informational Meeting

Any student who is interested in trying out for cross country this fall is to complete the google survey. We will send information out through email regarding paperwork and tryout information. Tryouts will take place on August 12.  Google Survey: https://forms.gle/2hHW3bvFYkrV73zv7


Ways to communicate

If you would like to communicate information to the CHS community, please complete the Google survey with all of your information.  Click this link to get the survey.






See what’s happening at CHS! (and add our Google Calendar to your phone!) 






Got great news about our students, staff, or community? Send it our way and we’ll shout it out! 





See what’s happening with CHS PTSA or CHS Boosters by clicking the names or by visiting our website.




Community News

Please visit the Community News and Programs page on the HCPSS website for announcements of upcoming events and programs sponsored by non-profit organizations (http://www.hcpss.org/community-news-and-programs/).


Another Food Pantry

A pantry will begin at the Long Reach Village Center this Saturday.  It will be there on Saturdays and Tuesdays 6-8 p.m. through the month of June.


Pop Up Pantries – Volunteers Needed

We need volunteers to drive to the Howard County Food Bank on Gerwig Lane, fill their cars with pre-packed bags of food and drive them to the Pop Up Pantry location.  Remember, all volunteers need to be members of one of our COAD organizations. Some will be drop offs only, so volunteers will start at 9 a.m. and be done by 11 a.m.  The others will include staging the bags on tables and overseeing their dispersal to needy area residents, with volunteers picking up the food at 10 a.m. and wrapping no later than 2:30 p.m.  Please spread the word!  


More details on exactly how things will work onsite, along with contact information, etc., directly to those who sign up.  Just click on the Signup Genius link below to choose the food pantry project that works best for you.  


They are asking one person to be the "captain" for each location, making sure all cars load up food together at the appointed time, dividing the bags between the cars so that no one is left out.  The captain is also responsible for making certain there is no overlap with the other location's pickup and that each gets the correct number of bags.  Finally, the captain needs to do their best to enforce social distancing rules so all volunteers remain safe.


On June 24 and June 26, they’ll be giving away bags of free food from 11:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. or when food runs out at:

June 24 - https://www.signupgenius.com/go/9040B4DAFAA2BA7FF2-6242020

June 24 / 11:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. (or until food runs out)

The Willows at Port Capital

7141 Beverly Drive

Elkridge, MD  21075

June 26 - https://www.signupgenius.com/go/9040B4DAFAA2BA7FF2-6262020

June 26 / 11:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. (or until food runs out)

Howard Crossing Apartment Homes

8732 Town & Country Blvd.

Ellicott City, MD  21043


June 26 / 9 – 11 a.m. (DROP OFF ONLY. Not open to the public.)

Longwood Elderly 

6150 Foreland Garth 

Columbia, MD

July 1 - https://www.signupgenius.com/go/9040B4DAFAA2BA7FF2-712020

July 1 / 11:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. (or until food runs out)

The Seasons Apartments 

9640 Barrel House Road

Laurel, MD  20723

July 3 -  https://www.signupgenius.com/go/9040B4DAFAA2BA7FF2-732020

July 3 / 9 – 11 a.m. (DROP OFF ONLY.  Not open to the public.)

Owen Brown Place 

7080 Cradlerock Way

Columbia, MD 21045


2020 Virtual National Student Council Conference

NASSP is inviting ALL Students to Rise Up and Lead. Join schools nationwide July 22–24 for the virtual National Student Council Conference. To ensure the first-ever virtual National Student Council Conference is the best possible experience for students, advisers, and all participants, this year’s dates are shifting to July 22–24. The new time frame allows NatStuCo to carefully craft this unique leadership experience—and it gives your students  time to register for this FREE online event. They do not have group registration for this conference—students are welcome to sign up on their own or advisers can register their students individually.


Grace Community Church Food Resource

Below is the link to the Grace Community Church Food Resource form in English and Spanish. 

Grace will provide assistance until this crisis is over for those families that cannot easily access the Grab and Go Food sites or the Food Bank.


Howard County Government resources

The information on grocery delivery for the elderly and/or unable to travel as well as information on accessing other resources, such as medical, cash, energy bill, or food access can be found at http://www.howardcountyreact.org/delivery.

Basic needs are critical right now, so if we can ensure the information is shared from a trusted source, we can make a difference for our students and families.

For more information, contact Howard County REACT at 410-782-0432.


Volunteer as an Online Tutor This Summer

Need something to do over the summer? We are looking for motivated high schoolers to join our team of tutors. You'll have flexibility over the subjects you teach, as well as your schedule. You must be able to commit to once-a-week, hour-long tutoring sessions online. Anyone in grades 9-12 can become a tutor, and grades K-8 can receive tutoring. For more information, visit tutoring.carrd.co or contact Praagna Kashyap (praagna@gmail.com)


Join Students for Citizen Science! 

Do you want to help the environment? Need a cool project to do over the summer break? We are Arjun Gupta and Hwanee Pak from Centennial and WildeLake HS. We invite you to collaborate with us on Citizen Science projects from organizations such as NASA and National Geographic. We will monitor data and document research to assist scientists. This will lead to sustainable solutions and advance scientific study of the Earth. Citizen Science is real science done by people like you and me!  Join us at our website: https://studentshelpearth.wixsite.com/students4science