Eagle's Nest 7/3120


July 31, 2020


Dear Families,

Due to health and safety concerns, HCPSS school facilities will not be available for the Saturday, August 29 administration date. The following schools were registered as test sites for the Saturday, August 29 administration: Centennial, Glenelg, Hammond, Mount Hebron, Reservoir, River Hill and Wilde Lake high schools.

At this time, no decision has been made for the Saturday, September 26 administration of the SAT, with the following schools currently registered as test sites: Centennial, Glenelg, Oakland Mills and Reservoir high schools. HCPSS will continue to collaborate with the CollegeBoard on health and safety guidance to determine the feasibility of future administrations.

We realize that many families were relying on these summer and fall SAT administrations and we thank you for your patience as HCPSS coordinates with CollegeBoard. CollegeBoard has asked colleges to extend deadlines for receiving test scores and to equally consider students for admission who are unable to take the tests due to COVID-19. We appreciate your cooperation as we work together to ensure the health and well-being of our students and families during this unprecedented time.

Please monitor the CollegeBoard COVID-19 update page (Links to an external site.) for more information.



Cynthia B. Dillon







Changes for School Year 2020-2021

As you are already aware, our school system has spent these months in work groups to address what school will look like for the school year 2020-21 in consideration of the global pandemic, and in the past two weeks, many important decisions have been made. This message is dedicated entirely to covering a number of logistical details.  Read more


Senior Diploma Cover Pick -Up (Updated information)

If you still need your diploma cover, we will offer two more opportunities to come and claim your cover in the next two weeks.  Read more


SchoolMessenger/Canvas/Synergy Reporting Forms

If you are having issues receiving HCPSS district/school emails and/or text messaging please use this new form for reporting your issues regarding emails/text messages not being delivered. If you are experiencing issues with Canvas/Synergy messages, please complete this form, http://hcpssne.ws/Connect-Login-Issue-Submission


National Honor Society application now available

The Centennial High School chapter of the National Honor Society is pleased to announce that the application for the SY 2020-21 is now available.  Read more    


MVA Information

While school is in a virtual setting forms are done online.  Read more   




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Got great news about our students, staff, or community? Send it our way and we’ll shout it out! 




See what’s happening with CHS PTSA or CHS Boosters by clicking the names or by visiting our website.



Community News

Please visit the Community News and Programs page on the HCPSS website for announcements of upcoming events and programs sponsored by non-profit organizations (http://www.hcpss.org/community-news-and-programs/).


Food Pantries:

FEI Foundation Food Pantry - Now thru August 29 from 10:30-12:30
