Scheduling for the 2021-2022 School Year

Course Registration Process

Scheduling for the 2021-2022 School Year


Course Registration and course selection for the 2021-2022 school year will be open for students and parents December 21st – January 15th.  Log on to to register for 2021-2022 courses.


All students should register for a total of seven credits and four alternates.    

  • This will include:
    • Recommended courses (locked). These recommendations were pre-populated by HCPSS and reviewed by your Semester 1 teachers (English, Math, Social Studies, Science, and World Language). Students with Semester 2 courses in the above content areas were pre-populated as well.  
      • Course Placement Review process - If students/parents choose to override a locked recommendation, a CPR form is located in HCPSS Connect Parent account. Click on the ‘More Options’ link on the left panel and select ‘Course Placement Review’. 
    • Course electives - chosen by the student/parent
    • Four alternates - chosen by the student/parent. The first alternate will be added as an 8th class in the event that HCPSS goes to a 4X4 schedule next year. The other 3 should be classes you wish to take in the event you can’t be scheduled for your requests or your request(s) are not offered next year.


Important Course Registration Dates:


December 21 - January 15 Course Registration window through HCPSS Connect***

December 21 Elective Course Information added to Canvas**

January 6 - February 17 School counselor pre-scheduled meetings with individual students* January 6 Centennial  8th Grade Parent Night 6:00 screen cast, 6:30 live meet

January 6 Humanities presentation for rising 9th graders 7:30

January 7  ARL information evening You must register to attend


Resources for Course Registration:


Course Registration & Academic Opportunities Screencast:   Updated Course Registration & Academic Opportunities screencast 


Course Registration “How To” Instructions:


Spanish Translation:

Korean Translation:


Course Catalog Information:

2021-2022 Catalog:


ARL course offerings: 

Please read each academy carefully, as some courses are specific to grade and prerequisites.  Questions and conversation about ARL opportunities will take place in student/counselor pre-scheduled meetings beginning on January 6th.


***Additional information with Tutorial and Guides for HCPSS Connect and Synergy:


**Elective Course Options for Students:

Please visit our Scheduling Module on Canvas for a listing of  elective courses offered at Centennial.


*Individual Counselor/Student Meetings:

All students will have a 10-minute individual meeting with their counselor to discuss their course selections for next school year.   These meetings will begin on January 6th.  All students will be assigned a specific date and time according to their English teacher (semester 1 and 2 English classes). Students who have English in Semester I will be assigned to a meeting by their current English teacher. Students who have English in Semester II, or attend HCC for English 11, will receive an e-mail with their meeting time and codes – PLEASE attend this appointment.  If you are unable to attend the appointment, please let your school counselor know as soon as possible.