Eagles Nest - 11/04/22

CHS Eagles Nest - November 4, 2022


November 4, 2022


Highlights from the CHS website news feed 

Schedule your Parent-Teacher Conferences

The Synergy scheduling window opens at 8:00 a.m. on Monday, November 7, 2022.  Read more.

Seniors Cap & Gown orders now through December 2, 2022

Graduation Cap and Gown Packages are available now through December 2, 2022.  Read more.

ARL Career Academy Information Nights

Current 8-11 grade students and their parents/guardians are invited to attend in-person information sessions on HCPSS career academies on Wednesday, November 9 or Tuesday, Dec. 13.  Read more.

RTA Bus Passes

HCPSS has again partnered with the Howard County Government and the Regional Transportation Agency of Central Maryland to provide free RTA bus access to students.  Read more.

Support CHS Theatre & Dance

CHS Theatre & Dance is excited to be partnering with FUN PASTA FUNDRAISING to help support costuming and upcoming travel expenses.  Read more.

SAT Mock Exam sponsored by C2 Columbia

The exam date is Saturday, November 12, 9:00-12:00.  Read more.

PTSA Tissues for Teachers Drive

The PTSA will be collecting tissues for the staff and students to use this fall and winter.  Read more.

Lost & Found

The Lost and Found is overflowing with items such as jackets and coats, other clothing, hats, water bottles, lunch bags, shoes, etc.  Please stop by the Lost and Found located in the cafeteria to look for missing items.  Any items remaining after the Thanksgiving break will be donated. 

Complete your Family File

HCPSS utilizes Family File for parents/guardians to complete emergency information. All parents/guardians must verify and/or update information for each child each school year.

The National PTA Reflections Program

All students are invited to participate in The National PTA Reflections Program.  This year's theme is, “Show Your Voice.”.  All submissions are due by December 2, 2022.  Read more.

Greg’s Driving School

Don’t forget, you can earn money for CHS Friends of Music when you register for classes with Greg’s Driving School!  Read more.

Reminder to Complete or Renew Your FARMs Application

HCPSS participates in the Free and Reduced-price Meals (FARMs) program.  Participation in FARMs qualifies students for a wide range of opportunities and resources beyond breakfast and lunch, including free college applications, free or reduced JumpStart tuition, discounted internet through the Comcast Internet Essentials program, and more.  Read more.


See what’s happening at CHS! (and add our Google Calendar to your phone!) 


CHS Dance welcomes new DEPi members

Congratulations to the newest members of The National Dance Honor Society, Delta Eta Pi:  Moyosoreoluwa Adebanjo, London Bratton, Hannah Fapohunda, Brandon Goldman, Naysa Rizkin Haider, Leyna Le, Allison Loiselle, Alexandra Millen, Roni Rozenberg, Milana Shimer, Haylee Simmons, and Rosa Vargas!  Dancers were inducted into DEPi at a ceremony held after school on Tuesday, November 1st. Congratulations, dancers!

Got great news about our students, staff, or community? Send it our way and we’ll shout it out! 


See what’s happening with CHS PTSA or CHS Boosters by clicking the names or by visiting our 


Centennial High School PTSA NEEDS YOU!! - Read more.  CHS PTSA Open Positions for Next Year - Read more

Community News

Howard High School Lions’ Pride 2nd Annual Craft Fair - Sunday, November 6, 2022, from 10:00-3:00


Howard Lions' Pride Second Annual Craft Fair:  Sunday, November 6th from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm at Howard High School. Our 100+ vendors will be selling crafts, books, candles, kitchen goods, jewelry, home decor, clothing, accessories, and much more! General Info link: https://tinyurl.com/3tzxuhme.

We are still accepting craft and food truck vendors, so please spread the word and this link: https://tinyurl.com/bdfuta49.

Please visit the Community News and Programs page on the HCPSS website for announcements of upcoming events and programs sponsored by non-profit organizations (http://www.hcpss.org/community-news-and-programs/).

Connect with Us:

4300 Centennial Lane
Ellicott City, MD 21042


